An email exchange with the MDC
Posted 27 November 2009 - 08:16 PM
I'll be moving back to Missouri next spring, and since I've been away I've become interested in maintaining a native fish aquarium. Does Missouri have any regulations regarding a native fish tank? I assume I would have to follow all of the limits/regulations and have a fishing permit, but are there any additional regulations over what pertains to anglers? Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Missouri Department of Conservation:
Ryan, The aquarium will be fine. Two points to remember are: No endangered species, and if getting game fish, follow all the method and permit laws.
Posted 27 November 2009 - 11:15 PM
Rather than just assume a native tank was legal in Missouri I emailed a conservation agent. I can't wait to move and get started this Spring! Below is our correspondence:
I'll be moving back to Missouri next spring, and since I've been away I've become interested in maintaining a native fish aquarium. Does Missouri have any regulations regarding a native fish tank? I assume I would have to follow all of the limits/regulations and have a fishing permit, but are there any additional regulations over what pertains to anglers? Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Missouri Department of Conservation:
Ryan, The aquarium will be fine. Two points to remember are: No endangered species, and if getting game fish, follow all the method and permit laws.
In missouri you are allowed to collect fishes such as Non-endangered or threatened spp, such as darters, minnows, fundulus, and sunfish >4in for bait purposes. When it comes to gamefish like bass, crappie, and catfish you will have to follow size and limit regulations. But you should be fine...
Posted 30 November 2009 - 01:09 PM
What a great way to get started. I really like how you phrased your email to MDC. It explains your intent, shows that you try to keep abreast of the rules (especially by knowing how the angling rules pertain), and are concientious about the environment. An email like yours is much more likley to encourage an agency employee to look up the rules for you if they aren't sure. I've found that people like to be helpful, especially when one shows an interest in what the helper does/can do/etc. The (rare) individual that acts in a defensive/hostile manner is much more likely to be dismissed out-of-hand.
I would print out their response and maybe even carry it with you when you go collecting. Conservation officers don't necessarily have all the rules memorized, especially for activities that not many people do. If questioned at some point, you can nicely say "Oh, yyes, I looked into that issue before I started, and have a nice email from MDC. Let's see... I have it around here somewhere...(as you dig through your equipment)"
Rather than just assume a native tank was legal in Missouri I emailed a conservation agent. I can't wait to move and get started this Spring! Below is our correspondence:
I'll be moving back to Missouri next spring, and since I've been away I've become interested in maintaining a native fish aquarium. Does Missouri have any regulations regarding a native fish tank? I assume I would have to follow all of the limits/regulations and have a fishing permit, but are there any additional regulations over what pertains to anglers? Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Missouri Department of Conservation:
Ryan, The aquarium will be fine. Two points to remember are: No endangered species, and if getting game fish, follow all the method and permit laws.
Posted 27 June 2013 - 06:46 AM
Basically, any and all offspring bred in captivity are still considered "fish of the state." That is, they cannot be sold, traded/bartered, etc. unless they were "caught in commercial waters by a permitted commercial fisherman."
Also, any and all fry count against one's possession limit of 300 live baitfish.
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