hi, i found some absolutely gorgeous blue crawdads in the Guadeloupe creek (san jose, california, 95112). up until now i have never seen any crayfish here other than an abundance of louisiana red crawdads. several months ago i went creek walking and scooped up a bunch of baby crawdads. they were extremely tiny, so i brought them home and dumped them in a big tank full of driftwood that i was curing. the water is basically coffee colored and has been for a while, but they have grown and thrived and the other day i noticed that they had been developing a sort of blueish tint. i thought that was pretty so i pulled one out to take a picture.
he looks like exactly like an electric blue crayfish; deep deep blue color and similar body proportions. unfortunately i also discovered that my camera is quite broken. i will take some pictures as soon as i can find another camera to use, and post them here.
does anyone here have any tips for breeding these guys? i figure since theyre not californian natives i might as well take advantage of my good luck and fill my sixty gallon with blue crays. might even be able to sell the youngsters. also, is this a mutation or a species? one or two of them just look brown, and i am not sure if i should take them out before breeding.