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need ID for a sunfish, a tilapia sp, and a big fish

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#1 Guest_trojannemo_*

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 01:23 AM

hey guys. so i'm finally getting around to editing the pictures. i "narrowed" them down to 39 pictures from the last time out, which i'll be posting tonight after I get back from work.

for now i have 3 fish that I need help identifying. these were all collected by cast net in Tamiami Trail (Everglades), Miami, Florida:

1. is this a Redear Sunfish? caught about 3 of these. they look very much like bluegill to me except for the red ears...hence my assumption it's a redear rather than bluegill...
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2. this monster fish I have no clue what it is. it is by far the biggest fish i've caught in my life (not much of a fisherman), and at 22 inches (measured) the biggest i've pulled up on a cast net too.
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and for another angle at the fish:
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3. lastly, i know these are Tilapia, but which one? I think these are Blue Tilapia (O. aureus):
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then there were these others. the body shape/markings were the same, except instead of the grey/blue, these were strong yellow. i think these may be Nile Tilapia (O. niloticus):
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and for a comparison of the two colors:
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I caught several of both colors, sometimes in the same cast. so are these the same species with different colors, or are they indeed two separate species? i also caught spotted tilapia (T. mariae)...would 3 species normally be found in the same water hole?

so what do I have here? thanks!

Edited by trojannemo, 12 January 2010 - 01:31 AM.

#2 Guest_hmt321_*

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 07:27 AM

the mystery fish is a mullet

its not just a hair style

#3 Guest_trojannemo_*

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:58 AM

thank you. i had thought it may be mullet but most of the line drawings found through a google search look very different to this fish. but it seems to be a Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) at its maximum size. thanks!

now what about the sunfish and the tilapia?

#4 Guest_gerald_*

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:40 AM

Redear sunfish: Yes, a nice one.
Tilapia: blue or perhaps hybrid blue x nile x ???.
I think most of the farmed tilapia are hybrids.

thank you. i had thought it may be mullet but most of the line drawings found through a google search look very different to this fish. but it seems to be a Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) at its maximum size. thanks!

now what about the sunfish and the tilapia?

#5 Guest_Gambusia_*

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:42 PM

blue tilapia is what you have

They are well established in FL

#6 Guest_trojannemo_*

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:31 PM

thank you for the help with the IDs!

so both the grey and the yellow are blue tilapia? after looking up pictures I was half convinced some of the yellow ones were Nile tilapia instead :wacko:

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