I just wanted to let everyone know that the American Currents proof copy has passed final muster and the printer should be starting to print copies today for distribution. I'm told that it'll take about 5 days for them to print all of the copies, and then they will be mailed after that. So you should expect a copy at your door in about 2 weeks! In this issue, you'll find articles about Lake Sturgeon, a spawning system for river minnows, a 2009 convention collecting trip recap, a Cutthroat Trout book review, 2010 convention info, an American Eel article, an article about spawning Johnny Darters, and more! I hope that you enjoy it! Please feel free to send me comments about it. I'm trying to make it the best publication it can be. Now, all of that said, I ask you to please send along any content you may have for future issues. Some of the articles that are coming out in the current AC have second-halves that will be making an appearance in my second issue, but I still need more content. Also, please be aware that we're trying to get out six issues this year, so I'm going to need a lot of material to fill them! I appreciate any help you can provide. If you have anything to send along, please send it to my email address below. Thanks!