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Most of the Centrarchid family and a few others...

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#1 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 30 January 2010 - 12:24 PM

Took some time to take some in tank shots of a lot of my fish last week.

Ambloplites sp. are very camera shy so these are not so great, and these are all rather new fish for me so they are small...

Shadow Bass Ambloplites ariommus
Attached File  shadow.JPG   156.69KB   0 downloads

Roanoke Bass Ambloplites cavifrons
Attached File  roanoke.JPG   132.73KB   0 downloads

Ozark Bass Ambloplites constellatus
Attached File  ozark.JPG   160.39KB   0 downloads

I have had three of these for a while now from a hatchery in CA. They seem to grow very very very slow...

Sacramento Perch Archoplites interruptus
Attached File  sac perch.JPG   169.22KB   1 downloads

Not the first time I have ever had these but the individuals I have now are new from the FL convention...

Flier Centrarchus macropterus
Attached File  flier.JPG   201.59KB   0 downloads

The latter two of these tend to really loose colors when they are cold so don't look like much on the cold end of the basement in the middle of winter...

Blackbanded Sunfish Enneacanthus chaetodon this is actually a large male guarding a nest I keep these in my display planted tank in the warmer half of the basement.
Attached File  black banded.JPG   200.04KB   0 downloads
Attached File  black banded 2.JPG   175.46KB   0 downloads

Bluespotted Sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus
Attached File  bluespotted.JPG   177.88KB   0 downloads

Banded Sunfish Enneacanthus obesus
Attached File  banded1.JPG   172.47KB   0 downloads
Attached File  banded2.JPG   172.87KB   0 downloads

And the big group of the more typical sunfishes all males except the warmouth which is a female...

Redbreast Sunfish Lepomis auritus
Attached File  redbreast.JPG   182.14KB   0 downloads

Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus
Attached File  green.JPG   143.14KB   0 downloads

Pumpkinseed Sunfish Lepomis gibbosus
Attached File  Pseed.JPG   175.22KB   0 downloads

Warmouth Sunfish Lepomis gulosus
Attached File  warmouth.JPG   173.41KB   1 downloads

Orangespotted Sunfish Lepomis humilis
Attached File  orangespot.JPG   179.19KB   1 downloads

Eastern Dollar Sunfish Lepomis marginatus A rather small young male
Attached File  eastern dollar.JPG   180.19KB   1 downloads

Western Dollar Sunfish Lepomis marginatus
Attached File  w dollar1.JPG   180.23KB   1 downloads
This is my wife's pet, he has his own tank and gets all sorts of special treatment.
Attached File  w. dollar2.JPG   201.03KB   0 downloads
This fish was caught at the 2006 convention in MO he killed the original female but is still going strong and is about 5.5 inches long.

Louisiana stock the Mississippi Embayment form of Longear Sunfish Lepomis megalotis it has been recently pointed out this is probably an undescribed subspecies
Attached File  LA Longear.JPG   201.5KB   0 downloads

Missouri form of Longear Sunfish Lepomis megalotis Hey Centrarchid which subspecies would these technically be? L. m. megalotis or one of the others?
Attached File  MO Longear.JPG   223.96KB   0 downloads

Northern Longear from Great Lakes Drainage Lepomis megalotis peltastes
Attached File  N. Longear.JPG   181.75KB   0 downloads

Redspotted Sunfish Lepomis miniatus
Attached File  redspotted.JPG   170.4KB   0 downloads
Young male
Attached File  redspotted2.JPG   202.65KB   0 downloads
Another original MO convention fish and I still have an original female as well.

Blackspotted Sunfish Lepomis punctatus Rather small fish from the FL convention.
Attached File  blackspotted.JPG   186.23KB   0 downloads

Bantam Sunfish Lepomis symmetricus
Attached File  bantam.JPG   158.19KB   0 downloads

And a couple Hybrids
gulosus x macrochirus
Attached File  bluegillxwarmouth.JPG   202.76KB   1 downloads

gibosus x humilis
Attached File  ospotxpseed.JPG   183.8KB   1 downloads

And I do have a few of one Black Bass species...

Redeye Bass Micropterus coosae
Attached File  redeye.JPG   126.84KB   1 downloads

And some non-sunfish...

A couple minnows
Female Lowland Shiner Prernotropis stonei
Attached File  lowland.JPG   137.29KB   1 downloads

Male Alafia Shiner Prernotropis sp.
Attached File  alafia.JPG   182.37KB   2 downloads

A nice southern brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus
Attached File  brown.JPG   175KB   4 downloads

Least Lillifish (I hate this name since these are not a killifish these should be pygmy livebearers or something like that) Heterandria formosa
Attached File  fformosa1.JPG   194.38KB   5 downloads
Attached File  fformosa2.JPG   193.27KB   5 downloads
Attached File  fformosa3.JPG   189.69KB   2 downloads
and a male
Attached File  mformosa.JPG   174.12KB   2 downloads

And last a couple pygmy sunfish shots...

Female banded pygmy sunfish Elassoma zonatum
Attached File  banded pyg1.JPG   190.31KB   2 downloads
Attached File  banded pyg2.JPG   180.87KB   4 downloads

Male Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish Elassoma okefenokee
Attached File  Okee1.JPG   182.97KB   2 downloads
Attached File  Okee2.JPG   207.01KB   5 downloads

#2 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 30 January 2010 - 01:29 PM

Woops looks like I double posted one of the banded pygmy shots and forgot to place the second banded sunfish shot, and it is not letting me edit this now... Maybe one of the global moderators could fix this real quick?

#3 Guest_CATfishTONY_*

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Posted 30 January 2010 - 02:03 PM

Woops looks like I double posted one of the banded pygmy shots and forgot to place the second banded sunfish shot, and it is not letting me edit this now... Maybe one of the global moderators could fix this real quick?

very nice, i was amazed how Cichlid looking the young of the year are.
i need some of those blackbanded and pygmy sunfish.

Edited by CATfishTONY, 30 January 2010 - 02:03 PM.

#4 Guest_Newt_*

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Posted 30 January 2010 - 04:52 PM

Maybe one of the global moderators could fix this real quick?

Fixed. You've got a heck of a collection, Brian! Have you ever tried mud sunnies?

#5 Guest_FirstChAoS_*

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Posted 30 January 2010 - 11:55 PM

That sacremento perch looks nice, do you have a link to the fish farm that raised it?

Also I like the electric blue lines on the pygmie sunfish.

#6 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 09:18 AM

I had a single mudsunfish once from the NC convention a couple years ago. It did not want to switch over to pellets, it was a lot like any of the Ambloplites sp in that it was rather shy. They also seemed to really like feeder fish over other live foods.

The Sacramento Perch were sent to me in trade for some blackbanded sunfish from the individual who lives in California. He was actually who acquired them from the hatchery in California. So no I do not have a link to the hatchery or even know what it is called.

#7 Guest_BenjaminS_*

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 03:16 PM

I shouldn`t have looked at this, now i want to order some more sunnies again!

#8 Guest_RD911_*

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 03:05 PM

Amazing collection Brian, thanks for sharing!

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