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2010 convention registration is open

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#1 AussiePeter

  • NANFA Member

Posted 21 April 2010 - 09:14 AM

G'day Folks

Registration for the 2010 NANFA convention in Ash Meadows is now open. http://www.nanfa.org...tion/2010.shtml and scroll down to the section on registration. I have also added in the hotel details as well.

The first 15 registrants will get a free Native Fishes of Nevada poster (and Utah too if I can get some). You'll need to bring a tube for the poster though.

If anyone has any questions just let me know. There is an article in the next AC as well as the AKA JAKA journal about Ash Meadows and its fishes. I'll be doing a follow up article on the Pluvial White River Valley fishes as well. I also have a nice flier that Chris Scharpf put together, so if you know of any meetings or events I can arrange to have some fliers sent out (I already have the West Coast Weekend covered).
