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Banded Killifish?

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#1 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 07 May 2010 - 11:29 AM

well we only have rainwater killis, banded, and mummichogs....i caught these guys in brookfield mass. the only reason i am posting the pics for ID is because on the dorsal fin there is this pretty blue which i havent seen on any banded that i have caught....maybe you guys could help. also what is that white thing i can see through his skin?

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#2 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 09:36 AM

after looking at some pictures of banded killis and mummichogs i seen that the mummichogs have that blue on their dorsal fins....are these mummichogs?

EDIT: This may be a hybrid? is that possible that they could have mated?

Edited by bumpylemon, 08 May 2010 - 09:42 AM.

#3 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 10:32 AM

Your pictured fish are bandeds, esp. if they're from Brookfield or anywhere near Worcester. Mummichogs and bandeds can hybridize, but often produce sexually dysfunctional offspring (or at least "different").

#4 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 10:40 AM

Well I know geographically that mummichogs couldn't make it in this far. I was thinking bait bucket release. Why does it have that blue on the dorsal and every banded I've ever cauht I haven't seen that?that's what through me off

#5 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 12:07 PM

would you be willing to post a picture of a mummichog? I have never seen one outside of books. I'm just curious :fishy:

#6 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 12:10 PM

would you be willing to post a picture of a mummichog? I have never seen one outside of books. I'm just curious :fishy:

not my pics....but you can see the resemblance. the only thing that throws me off is that blue on their dorsal fin

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#7 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 12:40 PM

that spot does resemble the mummi's dorsal... interesting... :blink:

#8 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 12:42 PM

whatever they are these are the prettiest killis ive seen around here. ive caught them at 4 different locations now...these pics do no justice. the blues are very dark on them. i am almost done with my phototank.then i will try and get pics from there.

#9 Guest_Kanus_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 12:50 PM

They definitely look like banded killies to me too, but they are certainly much more colorful than any I have seen in person.

#10 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 06:01 PM

They definitely look like banded killies to me too, but they are certainly much more colorful than any I have seen in person.

i just went to the same location and i caught a HUGE killi...this one i think is a pregnant female. she did not have the same coloration on her dorsal fin. i dont get what that blue means.

#11 Guest_Brooklamprey_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 08:15 PM

Really not that uncommon for Male Bandeds to have a dorsal spot around spawning time..Banded Killies around here you would think to be a totally different species with how Bright and colorful they get. Males almost always have a Dorsal spot surrounded with Vibrant Blues and yellows. Body shimmers in Blues. yellows and orange colors.

#12 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 08:16 PM

thanks brooklamprey. thats all i needed. i have never seen them with that blue spot. very pretty. thanks for the info!

#13 Guest_Brooklamprey_*

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 08:39 PM

thanks brooklamprey. thats all i needed. i have never seen them with that blue spot. very pretty. thanks for the info!

Have to say the first time I saw that I was slightly taken by surprise.
Here is however a Pic (Very very poor as this was the early days of digital Photography) Of one of our local Detroit river fish.. You can see rather clearly that it has the same coloration.
Attached File  Jam099.jpg   15.06KB   0 downloads
Our Diaphanus menona might be a bit prettier than your Eastern strains though :)

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