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Fundulus ID

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#1 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 15 May 2010 - 08:30 PM

im sure ill be told banded killifish...but for some reason in the 3 spots i have for killis i have 3 different looking killifish. i just wanna be sure as to what they really are. could be bait bucket releases for all i know. and why is it that 3 locations all in the same town have such different colors?

here is one spots killifish
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another spots killis. this one is sort of the same except missing the black spot on dorsal and missing the yellow
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this is the one i have to question..this fish is huge and FAT. hardly yellow...no spots.
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#2 Guest_Dustin_*

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Posted 15 May 2010 - 08:33 PM

They are all bandeds. I think what you are noticing is differences between the coloration of the sexes and the coloration of a breeding fish vs. a non-breeding fish.

#3 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 15 May 2010 - 08:35 PM

They are all bandeds. I think what you are noticing is differences between the coloration of the sexes and the coloration of a breeding fish vs. a non-breeding fish.

thanks for that. i never thought of that i suppose. not only is it hard to ID fish but now i have to throw in those factors lol. is the last one a female? i thought her fatness was pregnancy at first. can you show me which are males and which are females?

#4 Guest_FirstChAoS_*

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Posted 15 May 2010 - 10:19 PM

thanks for that. i never thought of that i suppose. not only is it hard to ID fish but now i have to throw in those factors lol. is the last one a female? i thought her fatness was pregnancy at first. can you show me which are males and which are females?

Nice, I hope they do well, last time I photographed my bandeds one died. it went white after I took the picture and later died.

How come bandeds always look striped in silver with dark bands in photos, but in real tanks they verry from brownish with dark stripes to black and white for breeding males. Why don't cameras show them as the eye sees them?

#5 Guest_bumpylemon_*

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Posted 16 May 2010 - 10:07 AM

Nice, I hope they do well, last time I photographed my bandeds one died. it went white after I took the picture and later died.

How come bandeds always look striped in silver with dark bands in photos, but in real tanks they verry from brownish with dark stripes to black and white for breeding males. Why don't cameras show them as the eye sees them?

lol i never heard of a fish dying from taking a pic. they are doing very well. they all school together.

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