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cedar driftwood?

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#1 Guest_Elijah_*

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 01:40 PM

Just wondering if anyone has experience with cedar driftwood in the aquarium?
I brought home some really gnarly driftwood that I added to my new river set up. It occurs to me that there are a lot of cedar trees upstream from where I found it and it looks like it could be a cedar root.
It also occurs to me that I think I had read that cedar can be toxic to fish?

#2 Guest_Newt_*

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 03:33 PM

Hey Elijah, any idea what sort of cedars you have? Several different conifers go by that name. Some of them certainly have a lot of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which are at least potentially dangerous to fish. I can tell you that I have put seasoned pieces of eastern red cedar in several tanks and have seen no toxic effects. I have heard of others using Atlantic white cedar in tanks. At any rate, thoroughly seasoned wood of nearly any species is safe, as everything but the lignin and a few other persistent compounds has decayed or leached away.

#3 Guest_Elijah_*

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 09:48 PM

Hey Elijah, any idea what sort of cedars you have? Several different conifers go by that name. Some of them certainly have a lot of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which are at least potentially dangerous to fish. I can tell you that I have put seasoned pieces of eastern red cedar in several tanks and have seen no toxic effects. I have heard of others using Atlantic white cedar in tanks. At any rate, thoroughly seasoned wood of nearly any species is safe, as everything but the lignin and a few other persistent compounds has decayed or leached away.

I do not know what kind of cedar it is. It grows on cliffs along the Winooski River in Winooski VT.
There was a slight bit of pink in the core of it. The circumference of the base of this piece is about 10 inches, so I wasn't worried about a slight bit of pink in the very middle. The wood is worn by the water and bleached by the sun. I cut into the other half that I did not use and could not smell the cedar scent.
I feel like it will be alright, but I have some Savannah Darters that I got from Dustin and I sure would hate to loose them!

I just did a water test and found that the Tank has close to .25ppm Nitrites. this tank has had fish and plants, and a filter in it for a month, so I wonder if it might have anything to do with the driftwood? The water was changed yesterday -75%.
I almost never get Nitrites in any of my 14 tanks, but the rest are much more heavily planted. This one just has a couple of Vals, about 10 Sagittaria Subulata, and a few peices of Hornwort and a Willow moss covered stone.
It is a 30 gallon long and is lightly stocked.

Anyway, Thanks for the info!

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