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NYSDEC Announces Revised Baitfish Regulations

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#1 Guest_sschluet_*

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Posted 06 April 2011 - 02:08 PM


New Rules Establish Corridors for Moving Bait for Personal Use in Same Waterbody

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#2 Guest_FirstChAoS_*

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 04:34 AM


New Rules Establish Corridors for Moving Bait for Personal Use in Same Waterbody

So does this mean you can collect in NY again? what if you get a fish in a drainage, it stays in the drainage throughout the state, then you enter another state with it?

#3 Guest_sschluet_*

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Posted 16 April 2011 - 06:50 AM

So does this mean you can collect in NY again? what if you get a fish in a drainage, it stays in the drainage throughout the state, then you enter another state with it?

I would clarify with the NYSDEC but I think this is not the case. Things to also consider- 1)NY is a VHS positive state, APHIS rule is no live transport out of a VHS positive state. 2)Check your state laws on importing fish and state bait regulations (ie- possession, etc). 3)Lastly, the acceptable bait list in NY, has only a dozen or so species listed, so it is likely the species you are interested in are not on the green bait list. I have posted the bait list in a previous post.

The reason for establishment of these corridors is an attempt to balance protection while allowing fisherman some flexibility. The way the original regulation was written, it included "no motorized, overland transport of live fish". This created problems for fisherman in these corridors and this was intended to allow them to harvest bait in one section of the river and drive it to another to fish. Note- this is allowing harvest, transport of fish, and use as bait within the same VHS positive waterbody. From a quick glance, it appears if you lived within one of these corridors and wanted to keep the species that are on the green list, there might be room to do that.

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