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checked on the NH native keeping rules

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#1 Guest_FirstChAoS_*

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Posted 23 February 2012 - 11:51 AM

I called fish and game on the rules for keeping native fishes in NH. They sent me to their inland fisheries guy and I found the answers.

Apparently the rules were recently modified so you can keep any live fish you catch except for Bass, trout, crappie, and pike.

The only iffy issue was the species I ordered online from sachs aquaculture which he said in this case would be considered ornamental fish but they really should be bought with an importation permit.

But importation permits must be specially requested and are stringently reviewed and mainly exist for hatcheries and pond stocking.

Thus why it is iffy. Their rules are technically NOT made for aquariums, and I technically should have a permit. But having found I did import for a tank he said my existing fish would be considered ornamentals. But since permits are not made for fish tanks it will be iffy at best to even try to get one for such issues.

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