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info on Daphnia magna culture

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#1 Guest_hmt321_*

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Posted 06 March 2007 - 10:06 AM

I am going to try and start a Daphnia magna culture in a few 5 gal buckets to feed the baby warmouth and shadow bass, and other fish.


what are the temp ranges

what do i feed them

can i keep them in the dark (ie under the tank stand, closed)


#2 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 06 March 2007 - 10:13 AM

With magna they're OK at room temperature, or somewhat higher. You probably don't want to keep them in the dark because the best way to feed them is to add green water / algaes, or attempt to directly culture them in green water. There may be other ways, but what I've seen work is the algae method.

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