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Game Fish Sizes. Check Them Out! Lots of Friendly and Nano Fishes Too.

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#1 itsme

  • NANFA Member

Posted 24 October 2016 - 12:40 PM

New Stock:


Muskellunge 13-14”

Walleye 4-7”

Black Crappie 2-4”

Yellow Perch 2-5”

Hybrid Striped Bass 4”

Smallmouth Bass 3”

Smallmouth Bass 6”

Largemouth Bass 2-3”

Seagreen Darter, Etheostoma thalassinum

Greenfin Shiner, Cyprinella chloristia

Santee Chub, Cyprinella zanema

Rosyside Dace, Clinostomus funduloides

Cambarellus schmitti, Fontal Dwarf Crayfish

Cambarellus diminutus, Least Crayfish

Golden Redbreast Sunfish 1-2” $10.00

Orangethroat Darter

Savannah Darter

Blackbanded Darter

Red Shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis

Southern Redbelly Dace

River Chub

Blacknose Dace

Bluespotted Sunfish

Orangespotted Sunfish $16.00

Rockbass 1”

Redspotted Sunfish 1”

Green Sunfish 1”

Dollar Sunfish Western 1”

Dollar Sunfish Eastern 2-3”

Bluegill 2-4

Hybrid Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus x cyanellus

Redear Sunfish 3-4”

Peacock Bass

Leptolucania ommata

Characodon lateralis Los Berros

Zoogoneticus tequila

Xenotoca eiseni Rio Compostela

Xenotoca sp Etzatlan Ameca/Magdelena Basin 2014

Poecilopsis gracilus, Porthole Livebearer

Xiphophorus continens

Xiphophorus maculatus, Peppered Platy

Limia vittata

Elassoma okefenokee

Elassoma zonatum

Elassoma evergladei

Rainbow Shiner, Notropis chrosomus $10.00

Blackbanded Darter

Wild Goldfish

River Chub

Freshwater Tarpon, Megalops cyprinoides $30.00

Logperch $7.00

Brown Bullhead

Black Bullhead 1”

Yellow Bullhead 1”

Tadpole Madtom 1-2”

Margined Madtom 1”

Speckled Madtom 2”


Fundulus confluentus

Fundulus lineolatus

Fundulus dispar


These are in addition to what is listed on our web site: http://jonahsaquariu...te/fishlist.htm


Email us for a quote:  jonah@jonahsaquarium.com

#2 Duckman77

  • NANFA Guest

Posted 06 December 2016 - 07:53 PM

Wow! Great list! What are the sizes on the OSS? Price on the red shiners?

#3 itsme

  • NANFA Member

Posted 08 December 2016 - 10:19 AM

Wow! Great list! What are the sizes on the OSS? Price on the red shiners?


The Orangespotted Sunfish are 1" long.  The Red Shiners are $7.00 each.  Email me your proposed order and shipping address for a quote:  jonah@jonahsaquarium.com 

#4 itsme

  • NANFA Member

Posted 08 December 2016 - 10:22 AM

Here are some updates:


New Stock:


Troutperch, Percopsis omiscomaycus

Variegate Darter, Etheostoma variatum

Bluebreast Darter

Redfin Shiner

Bigeye Chub, Hybopsis amblops

Common Carp Mirror Scale 4-5”

Yellow Perch 2-5”

Smallmouth Bass 3”

Smallmouth Bass 6”

Largemouth Bass 2-3”

Seagreen Darter, Etheostoma thalassinum

Emerald Shiner

Greenfin Shiner, Cyprinella chloristia

Rosyside Dace, Clinostomus funduloides

Cambarellus schmitti, Fontal Dwarf Crayfish

Cambarellus diminutus, Least Crayfish

Red Shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis

Southern Redbelly Dace

Blacknose Dace

Blackbanded Sunfish, Enneacanthus chaetodon

Bluespotted Sunfish

Golden Redbreast Sunfish 1-2” $10.00

Orangespotted Sunfish 1” $16.00

Pumpkinseed 2-3”


Redspotted Sunfish 1”

Green Sunfish 1-3”

Dollar Sunfish Western 1”

Dollar Sunfish Eastern 1.5-3”

Bluegill 1-4

Hybrid Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus x cyanellus

Redear Sunfish 3-4”

Leptolucania ommata

Zoogoneticus tequila

Xenotoca eiseni Rio Compostela

Xenotoca sp Etzatlan Ameca/Magdelena Basin 2014

Poecilopsis gracilus, Porthole Livebearer

Xiphophorus continens

Xiphophorus maculatus, Peppered Platy

Elassoma okefenokee

Elassoma zonatum

Elassoma evergladei

Wild Goldfish

Freshwater Tarpon, Megalops cyprinoides $30.00

Brown Bullhead 3-4”

Yellow Bullhead 3-6”

Yellow Bullhead 1.5”

Tadpole Madtom 1-2”

Margined Madtom 1-2

Speckled Madtom 2”


Fundulus lineolatus

Fundulus dispar


These are in addition to what is listed on our web site: http://jonahsaquariu...te/fishlist.htm

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