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11-21-06 In southern Detroit

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#1 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 11:18 PM

I just put together a small sample of fish from a large river in southern Michigan today...
I found-
Trout Perch
Rainbow Smelt
Smallmouth Bass
Rock Bass
Brook Silverside
Emerald Shiner
Spottail Shiner
Gizzard Shad
---and even a small mudpuppy.

I'll be going out to this area a few times a week for a project. I'll post any interesting findings.

#2 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 21 November 2006 - 11:43 PM

You killed the goldfish?

#3 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 07:57 PM

haha, No, The goldfish was already dead actually. I was collecting these fish from the water intakes at a power plant, as it's part of a project that smbass and I are being paid to work on --- sweet.

#4 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 07:59 PM

Wednesday we got a few different fish

Yellow Perch
Largemouth Bass
Yellow Bullhead
Channel Catfish

That's in addition to the usuals that were posted the day before. :shock:

#5 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 06 December 2006 - 06:53 PM

I am going to the powerplant tomorrow. Yesterday they caught an 11-inch Longnose Gar. We are going to be putting down all different kinds of nets to catch Gizzard Shad for a project, but I'm sure we'll be catching all kinds of other stuff. I'm hoping to get a Northern Madtom. We'll see.

#6 Guest_edbihary_*

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Posted 06 December 2006 - 11:24 PM

I'm hoping to get a Northern Madtom. We'll see.

Endangered in Michigan. I just looked that up. Bummer. They are endangered in Pennsylvania and Ohio also. I was gonna ask you to bring some to the Ohio trip this weekend if you find some. Oh well.

#7 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 07 December 2006 - 09:36 PM

Went to the plant today

Gizzard Shad
Alewife - new to me
Rock Bass
Rainbow Smelt
Brook Silverside
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Rock Bass
Freshwater Drum
Common Shiner
Emerald Shiner
Spottail Shiner
Yellow Perch
Channel Catfish
White Sucker
Trout Perch

It was a good day for me, found a new kind of fish. The alewife looks alot like a gizzard shad by the way. Yesterday they collected a 11-inch Longnose Gar there. The Freshwater Drum today was over 500mm long.

#8 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 07 December 2006 - 09:38 PM

Alewife - new to me

Hey, I have an Alewife too! She's getting out of the hospital tomorrow.

#9 Guest_edbihary_*

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Posted 07 December 2006 - 09:50 PM

Hey, I have an Alewife too! She's getting out of the hospital tomorrow.

My Alewife is so drunk she can't get up off the floor.

#10 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 07 December 2006 - 10:01 PM

My Alewife is so drunk she can't get up off the floor.


#11 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 07:55 PM

I went to the powerplant earlier today, and this is what we found-

Brook Silverside
Rainbow Smelt
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Rock Bass
Green Sunfish
Yellow Perch
Trout Perch
Spottail Shiner
Emerald Shiner
Channel Catfish
Western Banded Killifish - new to the powerplant
Freshwater Drum
Gizzard Shad
Silver Lamprey - new to me
Sea Lamprey - new to me

It was really cool to find these Lamprey. The Sea Lamprey was in bad shape, but the Silver Lamprey was alive and healthy. The Western Banded Killifish were caught in a huge trapnet, we only caught them and a bluegill in the trap net. I unfortunately cannot take pictures at the powerplant, but these lamprey were cool.

#12 Guest_Brooklamprey_*

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 08:19 PM

I went to the powerplant earlier today, and this is what we found-

Brook Silverside
Rainbow Smelt
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Rock Bass
Green Sunfish
Yellow Perch
Trout Perch
Spottail Shiner
Emerald Shiner
Channel Catfish
Western Banded Killifish - new to the powerplant
Freshwater Drum
Gizzard Shad
Silver Lamprey - new to me
Sea Lamprey - new to me
It was really cool to find these Lamprey. The Sea Lamprey was in bad shape, but the Silver Lamprey was alive and healthy. The Western Banded Killifish were caught in a huge trapnet, we only caught them and a bluegill in the trap net. I unfortunately cannot take pictures at the powerplant, but these lamprey were cool.

AWESOME!!!!!!! I say this because I've only seen a handfull of Silver Lamprey in ten years and it is interesting that they have moved lower in the river. As you know the upper and lower detroit river is slightly different in it's ecology. Silver Lamprey are typically associated more with the northern portian of the river. Silver lamprey moving further south is an indication (anacdotally) that there is a good population. It is nice to see these fish making a comeback in the river. I have had a few other reports of these fish showing up with more frequency.

Banded Killies also seem to be making a rebound also. I frequently see them around where I am at but the numbers have always been scarce from year to year. This year seemed to be a bumper year for them as I collected numbers much higher than in the past. I'm wondering if the quick warming of the waters in the channel this year may have benifited them this season.

#13 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 17 December 2006 - 10:17 AM

In addition to this, my partner at the plant informed me that they have also collected Muskellunge (I think they are the Great Lakes strain out there), Longnose Gar, and either a Ninespine or a Threespine Stickleback.

#14 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 18 December 2006 - 12:47 AM

We did this powerplant work for a year and then our advisor recently go an extension to do some more work at 2 of the 5 we did a whole year of work at for this winter. Some of the more interesting things we got were the silver lampreys (which we got at 4 of the 5 plants 2 of which were on the western end of lake erie not even in the detroit river) we made a couple trips up to one on lake st clair (as an extra sixth plant) and saw a couple of I beleive deepwater sculpins from there ( I did and am still doing all of the id work for anything the field crews get stuck on but some of these things were even new to me and i'm still not sure about those two rather mangled sculpins) we saw a few 3 spine sticklebacks, got a pair of channel darters at the mouth of the maumee river, about a dozen northern madtoms, and even a single lake sturgeon. and we unfortunately saw plenty of round gobies and even a few tubenose gobies. Also by doing it for a whole year it was very interesting to see the seasonal movements of the fish. Everything seemed to move in and out of the nearshore areas where they would get sucked into the plants depending on seasons. Each species had slightly different movements too and some were very short lived while other movements lasted weeks at a time. One interesting note about this new part is we never saw an alewife in the entire year and i think we are up to 6 or so here in the last 2 weeks the second time around. I'm hoping and i'm sure nate is too for a few more surprises yet this time around.

#15 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 08:29 PM

just added a Three-Spine Stickleback to the list and a Bluntnose Minnow. Both were still alive and in great shape.

#16 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 17 January 2007 - 07:32 PM

The other day we got a White Perch. The list is still shaping up. With this cold weather we're getting I'm pretty sure that tomorrow will bring hundreds, if not thousands of big dead Gizzard Shad. Also, my partner and I took a large net and managed to catch hundreds of Brook Silverside and Emerald Shiner. I'm going to try, yet again, to keep some more Brook Silversides. The above mentioned Stickleback was indeed a Three-Spine Stickleback.

#17 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 06 February 2007 - 09:51 PM

got a few Northern Madtoms pretty recently at the plant.

#18 Guest_daveneely_*

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Posted 06 February 2007 - 10:40 PM

If you want a positive ID on the sculpins, let me know. I'd be more than happy to take a look at them.


We did this powerplant work for a year and then our advisor recently go an extension to do some more work at 2 of the 5 we did a whole year of work at for this winter. Some of the more interesting things we got were the silver lampreys (which we got at 4 of the 5 plants 2 of which were on the western end of lake erie not even in the detroit river) we made a couple trips up to one on lake st clair (as an extra sixth plant) and saw a couple of I beleive deepwater sculpins from there ( I did and am still doing all of the id work for anything the field crews get stuck on but some of these things were even new to me and i'm still not sure about those two rather mangled sculpins) we saw a few 3 spine sticklebacks, got a pair of channel darters at the mouth of the maumee river, about a dozen northern madtoms, and even a single lake sturgeon. and we unfortunately saw plenty of round gobies and even a few tubenose gobies. Also by doing it for a whole year it was very interesting to see the seasonal movements of the fish. Everything seemed to move in and out of the nearshore areas where they would get sucked into the plants depending on seasons. Each species had slightly different movements too and some were very short lived while other movements lasted weeks at a time. One interesting note about this new part is we never saw an alewife in the entire year and i think we are up to 6 or so here in the last 2 weeks the second time around. I'm hoping and i'm sure nate is too for a few more surprises yet this time around.

#19 Guest_NateTessler13_*

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Posted 07 February 2007 - 11:17 AM

I don't know if we still have those sculpins laying around

#20 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 07 February 2007 - 11:36 AM

we do, if you want to look at them Dave I could mail them to you.

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