Lets plan this now, so it can be all inclusive. The suggestions so far sound great to me. Matthew, I want you to be able to attend. Tom, and I are self employed, so we may have more flexible schedules. What days can you do?
Thanks, I would like to come. In May Friday the 15th and 22nd are already booked on my work schedule, I will have to check for other dates that are booked on Monday. Other than that I am just not available on Saturdays. If you planned a two day event for Saturday and Sunday, I would be sure to attend on Sunday. This is probably the best way to get as many people to attend as possible. But if you wanted to do a Sunday/Monday, I would probably be able to take off a day.
As far as Michigan folks attending I am not sure

, well I guess we could let the Michigan folks come. But the people I'm worried about are from the Pittsburg area

. JK
I am looking forward to this event. I will do some research for sites as options.