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Hello from Los Angelus,new to the forum

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#1 Guest_james50_*

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Posted 10 June 2010 - 06:21 PM

Hello everyone, I'm James and I've been evesdropping for too long now!.I found this forum while trying to find information on coldwater fish. I was looking because I finally got tired of the peacock bass that I got to replace my beloved female largemouth bass.That peacock could eat more than I can! In searching I wound up on sites that were hooking me up with fishing trips and after a long time on the web I learned I was looking for native fish,damn that made sense!,I knew I had to join this forum soon cause for quite a while now I would get so caught up in a discussion I was following I would instantly try and jump in and realise I couldn't without joining and this has happened so many times that I figured I better get on the bandwagon before my first post just includes all 154 or so things I wanted to say in reply! Thanks for all the knowlege I've picked up along the way, James.

#2 Guest_donkeyman876_*

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Posted 10 June 2010 - 08:23 PM

Welcome to the forum, glaad you were able to find nformation. If you need anything welse I hope you can find it and feel free to ask!

#3 Guest_james50_*

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Posted 10 June 2010 - 11:39 PM

Thank you Donkeyman, youd be surprised at what I've picked up here!, no, on the other hand I'm sure as a member you have a very good idea as to where i'm standing looking in, ive been to a lot of forums as that is the beauty of the net, since everybody has different likes and views of what they are looking for, and that IS great for all of us , we can all find a common thread that suits us, but as I said in my introduction, when looking to find the basis of maybe my driving attraction of the fish looking back at me thru the glass I have found a lot of folks on the intro and beginner section of this site as well as the more veteran of our fellow members as yourself who have a more insitefull point of view as to how and why they like their choice of fish and why, it goes a little further than choice of popular filters and ... well, i'm doing it again,like I said before it'll take a while to respond to the first too many posts that drew me to this family in the first place without looking like the guy who had to chase the bus down the street because I wasn't at the bench at the right time.....I can promise you after a bit I will slow down and enjoy the abience, thanx so much for your welcome. james

#4 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 11 June 2010 - 11:41 AM

Welcome to the forum, James! I hope you find your stay both enjoyable and informative!!


#5 Guest_james50_*

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Posted 11 June 2010 - 05:09 PM

Yeah. I think I've found quite the site, the threads I've followed are very informative and people are very knowlegable,forthcoming with the years of experience they have , Im very impressed with the overall feel of the general attitude ,where each discussion is for the sake of going forward with native fish, I always did have trouble at my favorite LFS when I was discussing my bass,cause
it was always just a little outta his range when it came to fish that weren't on the import list.Tropicals are pretty if that's the way you want to go,
and I've spent many a romantic night infront of a beautifull tank with the lights and plants and it surpassed even for me a fireplace or a bit of sand on the seashore at night with your sweetie with the waves coming in and that"SCASHOOOOHHH,SCA-SCA-SCASHHHOOOHH-SHSHRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...as the water and the foam envelope your ank
les and you forget about time, but there is something else with me that is a little more than the sound and water, I'm always more into whats IN the water and from what I've seen here I guess I'm not alone, to me it's almost like when you were a kid and your friend gets a dog or cat,but that couldn't even come close to the king snake you found today.Natives with that outstanding natural color and that wild look you can't get with a trip to petco.

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