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New from St. Louis, Missouri

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#1 Guest_aquachromis_*

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Posted 28 January 2011 - 02:58 PM

Hi everyone. I posted a brief intro in the new NANFA member area but thought I'd go ahead and post here as well. I'm new to natives but not new to fish in general. I've had a variety of tropical fish over the years. After a hiatus from the hobby for 2 years I'm finally getting back into it. I'm currently setting up a planted 55g that will house some Odessa barbs and probably 2 or 3 other species, and a 20g long for some Lake Tanganyika shell dwellers. I took advantage of the $1/gallon sale at Petco and bought 2 20g longs and a 40g breeder. I plan on setting up one 20 and the 40 as native species tanks. Right now I'm reading as much as I can about Native fish keeping before deciding what to stock the tanks with and it will probably be a few months before I'm ready for the fish. In the mean time I hope people here can help me with any questions I have and with narrowing down my list once I've found a few species I like.


#2 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 28 January 2011 - 06:29 PM

Take look through the member photo gallery to see a wide vriety of species. Seeing different species may help lead you to what species you are interested in learning more about and ultimately stocking your tanks with.

#3 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 09:30 AM

20 longs make great riffle tanks, or so I've heard.

Welcome to NANFA. I think you will enjoy natives.

#4 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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Posted 29 January 2011 - 12:48 PM

In the mean time I hope people here can help me with any questions I have and with narrowing down my list once I've found a few species I like.

Welcome to natives Adam,

Darters and Shiners in a 20 long is a fantastic tank... recreate a stream near you... darters and maybe a madtom on the bottom... a couple of different kind of shiners or a chub taking up the midwater... makes a great active, and colorful native tank.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#5 Guest_aquachromis_*

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 01:23 PM

I am currently leaning toward a darter and shiner tank but that's as far as I've gotten. I'm trying to research a few options then I'll decide from there what type of tank I finally settle on. I forgot to mention that I do have the American Aquarium Fishes book by Goldstein, and I also just ordered The Fishes of Missouri book this past week. Right now I'm putting together two ideas for the 20long, either a stream/river tank, or a still water swamp/pond type tank. I glanced of the riffle tank article yesterday but I need to take time to really read it. I was also wondering if something like this would work for a native tank? I have some powerheads I bought a few years ago to set up for loaches then ended up never using them.


#6 Guest_Newt_*

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 01:49 PM

Yes, that setup will work great for stream-dwelling natives. I set up a 55 gallon tank like that for a friend's native tank; he has several species of darters, shiners, dace, and topminnows thriving in the tank.

#7 Guest_aquachromis_*

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 10:47 AM

So, after reading a ton of threads on the forum and looking around online over the weekend. I'm probably going to abandon my shell dweller 20long plans and make both 20s native tanks. There are so many cool native fish to choose from.

#8 Guest_EricaWieser_*

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 04:30 PM

Or you can have both. I found that neolamprologus multifasciatus and elassoma gilberti were friendly towards one another when they both inhabited my 55 gallon tank. I'm not sure how sustainable that would be, but it worked for the month or two it was set up that way.

#9 Guest_aquachromis_*

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 06:05 PM

I was just looking at your thread yesterday. I supposed I could always try that, and if it didn't work out long term I could move the elassoma to another tank. I do like both fish you listed.

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