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Collecting, Exhibiting, and Releasing Wildlife in Virginia

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#21 Guest_nativeplanter_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 07:45 AM

If you are putting a seine or dipnet in the Powell be prepared to be stopped. There are explicit reaches and locations in the Clinch and to a lesser extent the Powell River where you cannot wade. Say what you want about game wardens, but in that area, they know their non-game fish and they will question what you are doing, fishing license or scientific permit.

Seperate from this but in the big picture of the subject. Alot of times regulation confusion is self inflicted because of over thinking and dancing on egg shells when it is not warranted. When you want an answer, call the right person and take time to figure out who is that right person beforehand. You won't waste your precious time, which will save you frustration, let alone the person on the other end of the phone. I'll get off my "from the other side of the fence" soap box now.


Also, remember that when most regulations were written, they weren't really thinking about people like us. And when you talk to people, remember that it's really hard for them to know ALL the regulations. I mean, they don't spend most of their time worrying about this very issue - they handle other regulatory issues much more often. One can't have all the regulations memorized. I mean, have you ever tried to read them all? I've read many, and still have to go back to look things up when I'm working on a project.

#22 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 08:28 AM

If you are putting a seine or dipnet in the Powell be prepared to be stopped. There are explicit reaches and locations in the Clinch and to a lesser extent the Powell River where you cannot wade. Say what you want about game wardens, but in that area, they know their non-game fish and they will question what you are doing, fishing license or scientific permit.

Seperate from this but in the big picture of the subject. Alot of times regulation confusion is self inflicted because of over thinking and dancing on egg shells when it is not warranted. When you want an answer, call the right person and take time to figure out who is that right person beforehand. You won't waste your precious time, which will save you frustration, let alone the person on the other end of the phone. I'll get off my "from the other side of the fence" soap box now.

Well, I doubt I'll run into any troube on the day after Thanksgiving in a small creek back up in my Grandmother's 'holler'. Also, I'll be using a handheld net and probably be standing on the bank, I doubt I'll get in. However, next spring/summer I plan on making a day trip to the Powell. I'll find out any restricted areas about that later.

Personally, I'm asking all of this so that I can be a compliant to the laws and regulations as I can be. I'm trying to not do anything wrong/illegal and that's why I'm trying to cover all the bases. However, with each post with new information I'm being met with replies basically downing anything I say or do. Being treated like I'm doing something wrong or planning on it is really starting to get under my skin.

#23 Guest_camber1981_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 10:01 AM

Honestly I think everyone's just trying to protect you from having to deal with possible consequences of running into the wrong person on the wrong day. You have to realize that, because of how hard certain agencies are forced to work to preserve what little natural resources we have left, our hobby/interest is certainly met with a lot of suspicion/consternation by anyone not involved in this hobby..... "Pokin around in MY creek? I don't think so......"

#24 Guest_ashtonmj_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 10:17 AM

You're taking things a little too personally Josh. Two VA residents, one who speaks regularly with the people you're trying to get information from, and one who has collected regularly in that area (me) are trying to help you cover your bases and answer all your questions as best we can. I didn't say anything about not being able to wade in small creeks, I said in parts of the Powell and Clinch Rivers where there is public access. That information is on the VDGIF website and clearly posted on signs at those locations. I didn't say "don't think about stepping in the water in your grandmothers private property" and no one has shot down anything else. You said you were planning on doing some collecting around the Powell. I said was be prepared to be questioned as to what you are doing. I'm not accusing you of doing something wrong, it's just the reality of enforcement in those areas. Almost every time I was on the Clinch River in Tennessee I was stopped and questioned. That happened with a scientific permit that was held for over two years working with someone who has been permitted for over 10 years on top of the fact we give 48 hour notice to the regional headquarters when we were coming, what we were doing, and what our vehicle looked like. There doing there job, that is all.

#25 Guest_nativeplanter_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 10:59 AM

Personally, I'm asking all of this so that I can be a compliant to the laws and regulations as I can be. I'm trying to not do anything wrong/illegal and that's why I'm trying to cover all the bases. However, with each post with new information I'm being met with replies basically downing anything I say or do. Being treated like I'm doing something wrong or planning on it is really starting to get under my skin.

I think you're misinterpreting some of the posts - nobody is putting down what you are saying or doing - we all do the same things outselves. We are just sharing experiences hoping to help you (and anyone else reading the thread) stay out of trouble and have a good time. It is clear that you are trying to stay within the law and do the right thing.

#26 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 02:28 PM

I think you're misinterpreting some of the posts - nobody is putting down what you are saying or doing - we all do the same things outselves. We are just sharing experiences hoping to help you (and anyone else reading the thread) stay out of trouble and have a good time. It is clear that you are trying to stay within the law and do the right thing.

Trying to do the right thing is all I'm trying to do. However, like I said, I feel like I'm being badgered about this and backed into a corner that I'm trying to fight out of.

#27 Guest_JohnO_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 03:30 PM

The next step to keep in mind while you do go getting your fish while following the law is to be really, really, REALLY nice to people who stop you and ask questions. Try not to get defensive right away - just nicely say that you are collecting minnows for your aquarium... you enjoy looking at our native fish and natural habitats... you are careful not to take any bass/trout/crappie/game fish etc... Most people respond positively to that approach and add how much they like nature themselves. Remember that even the people who should know the rules (like game wardens) often don't (as you've found out while making calls), so if it gets to it you can say "yeah... I looked into it really carefully and called DGIF... the regulation says this..." and have a copy in your glove box.

Very good advice, no matter where you are. It's critical to distinguish yourself from a sport fisherman who might be looking for a shortcut. I have noted that a dipnet doesn't draw near the attention as a seine. One guy with a dipnet is looking for a few shiners. Two guys with a seine look like trout/bass poachers.

In some cases, it's not a wise idea to portray yourself as a darter or otherwise exotic species collector. Especially in the further reaches of Appalachia where some of the most interesting darters exist, they aren't overly fond of environmental types. Restrictions on logging have cost jobs, in an area where a job is a very precious thing to have. When you see what clear cutting has done to the place, you might think otherwise, but we're talking about the people who control access to the streams you want to get into. When I get up there, I usually ask 'where a feller might grab a few minners and crawfish outa that creek'. I learned that from a rustic that lived in Powell County. He loved nature, but gave me good pointers on why I shouldn't be too quick to tell that to everyone. Just portray myself as a fisherman looking for bait, that's about as harmless as a person can look.

#28 Guest_jimv8673_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 07:35 PM

Trying to do the right thing is all I'm trying to do. However, like I said, I feel like I'm being badgered about this and backed into a corner that I'm trying to fight out of.

Well without drawing too much attention to myself by saying something stupid, or abrasive, because im trying to keep a low profile for awhile. Ill just say, youre not in that corner alone

#29 Guest_Brooklamprey_*

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 09:02 PM

I think it has come to the point in this thread where all information that has been needed to be detailed has actually been done so accurately. I'm closing this for this reason. No one is trying to put anyone in a corner and make them fight their way out. (Which generally wrecks threads designed for information exchange) The information has been presented and all are aware of it.

That said this is the last word on this subject and this thread.

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