Since hurrican Irene changed my vacation plans for this weekend and coming week, my wife and I went to Mammoth Cave KY on Friday. After touring Mammoth Cave and Hidden River Cave, I found a creek on my way back home that had some access points. I was hoping to find the KY Darter
Etheostoma rafinesquei and the Headwater Darter
Etheostoma lawrencei. After just a few minutes I turned up several KY Darters,
HUGE Fantail Darters, and several Rainbow Darters. I realized that in my location I likely would not find any Headwater Darters, so I left quickly after catching the fish as it was fairly warm out and had a 2 hour drive home. I didn't persue the Headwater anymore as I know a location in the Rockcastle River that house them. The KY Darter appeared to be doing well here as I caught quite a few YOY's. I thought I would share a few photos from the tank today. I know that, at least, Blake will love the

Feeling at home sitting on the Crinoid Stem picked from the Green River.

Here's some of the pair:

Here's the KY Darter meeting it's Green River friend the Gilt Darter, and a new buddy the TN Snubnose Darter

Not bad for a quick in and out at one location. I would like to spend more time in the smaller creeks around the Green River. These Kentucky Darters are some of the nicer looking Snubnose species I've seen....until I get to see a Splendid Darter. Just to note, any and all shells that may be seen in any photo was found on the bank, empty. Hope you enjoyed the photos.