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2012 NANFA Convention in Ohio

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#101 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 07:56 PM

I have been hoping to read more comments by attendees... and perhaps some photos.
It sure sounds like a fine time.

#102 Guest_Dustin_*

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 09:41 PM

Here are some very unedited photos of our time there. I will try to label them later.

Brindled madtom
Attached File  Brindled.jpg   48.1KB   5 downloads

Bluebreast darter
Attached File  Bluebreast.jpg   46.21KB   8 downloads

Golden redhorse
Attached File  Golden.jpg   93.3KB   9 downloads

Greenside darter
Attached File  Greenside.jpg   42.9KB   7 downloads

Mountain madtom
Attached File  Mountain.jpg   61.43KB   7 downloads

Rainbow darter
Attached File  Rainbow.jpg   45.49KB   6 downloads

Redside dace
Attached File  Redside.jpg   55.27KB   6 downloads

Eastern sand darter
Attached File  Sand.jpg   35.29KB   6 downloads

Mottled sculpin
Attached File  Sculpin.jpg   39.11KB   7 downloads

Southern redbelly dace
Attached File  SRBD.jpg   43.02KB   7 downloads

Variegate darter
Attached File  Variegate.jpg   56.61KB   7 downloads

#103 Guest_Dustin_*

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 09:43 PM

And some people shots
Attached File  Group 1.jpg   146.11KB   8 downloadsAttached File  Group 2.jpg   188.04KB   9 downloadsAttached File  Group 3.jpg   215.63KB   14 downloadsAttached File  Group 4.jpg   239.06KB   10 downloads

#104 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 10:04 PM

Thanks much Dustin and to all you other posters. I see a few folks in the people shots but i am going to take a crack at IDing these Ohio fish from a Tennessee Native!
1) Madtom unknown... watch out for that sharp spine!
2) Our mascot, the Bluebreast Darter.
3) Redhorse unknown... perhaps a Golden. I hope to spear one tomorrow.
4) Greenside with blurry wwwuuuus.
5) Madtom unknown or a baby cat
6) Rainbow Darter
7) Redside Shiner
8) Wow! What kind of Darter is this! Is it one of those that bury themselves in the sand?
9) Sculpin, by which one?
10) SRBD
11) My fav Ohio king of the Darters... Varigated! Varigatum?

The people shoots are a bit harder
Big Nick, Our Auctioneer, The GA Rep, The K Man and sweetheart, Jennie K, Todd, Our Treasurer, a WadingJack, a TNACI woman wishing she could snorkel...

#105 Guest_Dustin_*

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 10:20 PM

I added some labels Casper.

#106 Guest_EdBihary_*

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 02:40 PM

Thanks to the organizers and trip leaders! And my regrets to those I didn't get to see. I was working and couldn't make it until Saturday. The canoe trip was great on Saturday, as was the Flushing trip on Sunday. The Flushing trip was not well attended, Flushing south got merged with Flushing north, and went north. (I intended to go south.) But it did give those of us who attended it a good chance to get well acquainted. And Justin, your knowledge was invaluable, and I enjoyed having you as a seining partner. There were some people I was looking forward to seeing again this year, and others I was looking forward to meeting, but you chose other trips. Perhaps in Kentucky! Has that date and place been set yet? I thought somebody mentioned something about the spring.

#107 Guest_IsaacSzabo_*

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 01:28 PM

Thanks to those who have shared their convention stories and photos. It sounds like it was a great convention. I wish I could have been there. Hopefully I will be able to make the next one.

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