Finally after 2 months, I managed to setup the tank, its a very low cost DIY tank but with my 4 y old boy was a very nice experience!
Tank: 55 gal used from craigslist 20$
Stand: custom design reusing pine wood, my brother in law as a woodcraft hobby and did it for free

. 0 $
Substrate: 1/2 inch of wild dirt + 1 inch of stream sand + some gravel. 0 $
Driftwood: collected form a small creek near my house. One of them floated after the cleaning. 0 $
Plants: Some collected other purchased at LFS. 5 $
Filter Fluval C4 HOB, found a great price at Amazon. 49 $, Plus i got a 10 gal tank at yard sale for 5 $, I may use it as a sump if i need it.
Light: Ultra bright LED strip 30 W + LED Driver: $24.99
Canopy: Home depot 48x12 wood. $5.99
Water test kits: 20 $.
Need to find some nice rocks to complete the tank, but here in central FL its only sand, dirt and more sand.....
Fish: On Sunday I went fishing with my son and collected several minnows, we also got a small bluegill and a pleco?!!? we used a small dip net to get them, basically i was trying to fish and my boy was crashing all around with the net trying to get fish for the a aquarium, he did a very nice job.
As I said before i'm new to Florida-USA fishes I will post better pictures later for ID.
I cycled the tank fish less and only on sunday added the fishes, I will remove the bluegill tomorrow it will eat all the minnows and my boy just love them, he sit for 30 40 minutes in front of tank watching the minnows.
I'm feeding the minnows with slow sinking micro pellets (dont remember the manufacturer), the minnows love them.
Some pictures:

The water is not full clear due to the tannins on the wood.
As you can see i tryd to keep it as low cost as possible, now lets hope that it doesn't crash
Thank you all for your advise!