Priority Package the Elassoma.okeefenokee pair came in. It originally had brown parcel paper wrapping around it, the wrapping was a bit ripped though from the post guy shoving it in to the mailbox.

The fish were packed tightly in the a ball of newspaper. Absolutely no movement, even when I was trying to judge the weight.

The Elassoma.okeefenokee pair in the Kordon bag. Carious female not camera shy at all lol, heard they were supose to be skiddish fish. The female is currently 1/2".

The male Elassoma.okeefenokee, he's stressed out, but he should adjust within 2 or 3 days. The male is currently 3/4".

Elassoma.okeefenokee pair in the Kordon breather bag, in the container which I later emptied them into and started drip accimilating them.

Edited by ErraticFishFinatic, 16 May 2012 - 06:25 AM.