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#1 Guest_Yeahson421_*

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 12:13 AM

So, I always love seeing others tanks, so I decided, why not make a thread simply for sharing them? So, I'll kick it off with my tanks, in order of my signature.

Please try to follow this:
Name of tank:
Picture of it

Current Setups:
Huge Pond:
Attached File  2012-12-08 00.34.58.jpg   280.08KB   3 downloads
Gallons: 3,631 gallons (26 feet long, 4 foot 8 inches wide, and 4 feet deep)
Theme: Mixed, primarily breeding focused
Stock: Currently, none
Filtration: We're looking at maybe a fluidized bed
Plants: Currently, none
Notes: It will not be filled until next spring
Thread:(The first page and a half are irrelevanthttp://forum.nanfa.o...nd/page__st__20

125 Gallon:
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.38.25.jpg   112.58KB   1 downloads
Gallons: 125
Theme: Sunfish Community, River
Stock:4 Pumpkinseeds, 3 Northern Longears, 1 Central Longear/Pumpkinseed Hybrid
Filtration: Fluval FX5
Plants:Soon I will be adding vals
Notes: I'm currently building a nursery/refugium that will also have an algae scrubber in it.
Thread: http://forum.nanfa.o...8149#entry98149 (Outdated)

75 Gallon
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.30.14.jpg   127.27KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 75
Theme: Stream Community
Stock: MRBD, SRBD, Spotfin Shiners, Bluntnose Minnows, Spottail Shiners, Horneyhead Chubs, 1 Bluehead chub, 1 Juvenile Northern Longear, Bluebreast Darters, Rainbow Darters, Banded Darters, Slenderhead Darters, Variegate Darters
Filtration: Aqueon HOB, Eheim Pro Canister Filter
Plants: None
Notes: This tank is soon to be taken down and replaced with a rack, on that rack there will be a 33L where many of these fish will go.
Thread: http://forum.nanfa.o...n stream tank (Outdated)

40 Gallon
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.23.29.jpg   97.77KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 40
Theme: Growout/Temporary Holding
Stock: 3 Orangespotted Sunfish, SRBD, Blacknose Dace, 1 Suckermouth Minnow
Filtration: Sponge filter, Aqueon HOB
Plants: Vals

Planted 20 Long
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.23.37.jpg   117.05KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 20
Theme: Swamp/Planted
Stock: 4 Blackbanded Sunfish, 6 Central Mudminnows, 2 Golden Topminnows, 1 Blackstripe Topminnow, 3 Iowa Darters
Filtration: 2 HOBS, sponge filter
Plants: Vals, Dwarf Sag, Ludwigia Palustris
Notes: This tank is going to be taken down soon and combined with my Stream 20 Long to make an L shaped tank to be used for breeding my Blackbandeds.
Thread: http://forum.nanfa.o...potted +sunfish (Outdated)

Stream 20 Long
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.22.30.jpg   86.34KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 20
Theme: Stream
Stock:1 Blacknose Dace, Rainbow Darters, Iowa Darters
Filtration: HOB Canister Filter (Tom Rapids, I believe)
Plants: None
Notes: This tank is going to be taken down soon and combined with my Planted 20 Long to make an L shaped tank to be used for breeding my Blackbandeds.
Thread: http://forum.nanfa.o...n +long +stream (Outdated)

20 High
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.31.25.jpg   168.62KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 20
Theme: None
Stock:1 Florida Flagfish, 10 Central Mudminnows, 1 Stonecat
Filtration: Sponge filter
Plants: Java Moss

15 Gallon
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.36.38.jpg   112.42KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 15
Theme: Nursery
Stock: Least Killifish, 1 Tiny MO Longear
Filtration: HOB
Plants: Ludwigia Palustris

Timothy's Tank
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.20.15.jpg   195.25KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 10
Theme: Turtle Growout
Stock: Ouchita Map Turtle Hatchling (Timothy)
Filtration: River Manifold
Plants: None
Notes: Timothy will be getting a 75 gallon over my holiday break


Chistmas Present For My Girlfriend
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.24.04.jpg   148.12KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 10
Theme: Small Fish Community
Stock: 6 Least Killies, 6 Bluefin Killies, 4 Ghost Shiners
Filtration: HOB Canister Filter (Tom Rapids, I believe)
Plants: Vals, not sure what else to put in.
Thread: Not yet, but I'll make one before long. Keep your eyes open!

Holding Tank
Attached File  2012-12-09 10.38.36.jpg   106.32KB   0 downloads
Gallons: 20
Theme: Holding Tank
Stock: Fish from 75
Filtration: Reverse UGF, HOBs
Plants: None
Notes: This will be used to hold fish from the 75 while I'm working on the 33 gallon.

Well, that's all! I can't wait to hear from you guys!

#2 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 02:25 PM

Name of tank:Tropical
Attached File  125 2.jpg   102.4KB   1 downloads
Theme: SA River
Stock: 6 x angelfish, 5x krobia xinguensis, 4 x Geophagus Iporgensis, 4x L092, 1x Parancistrus sp (undescribed), 1 x LDA 72, breeding pair of tadpole madtoms (didn't have a set up for them and they have been with me for 4 years now.)
Filtration: 3 x Aqueon 55/75, 3 x 600 GPH wavemakers (not running in pictures due to the amount of movement.
Plants: Vals, anubias, needle leaf java fern

Name of tank: Biocube
Attached File  biocube.jpg   155.91KB   1 downloads
Theme: none right now
Stock: Trio of Florida Flag fish
Filtration: stock
Plants: No idea what half of them are

Name of tank: Sunfish
Attached File  sunfish 125.jpg   79.35KB   3 downloads
Gallons: 125
Stock: 5 x green sunfish, 4 x bluegills, 4 x pumpkin seeds
Filtration: now FX5
Plants: anubias

Name of tank: Favorite Ever
Attached File  20 gal L.jpg   40.38KB   2 downloads
Stock: 6 x tatia perugai, 6 x apistogramma steindacheri, 10 x corydoras pygmeus
Filtration:aqueon 55
Plants: ricca, moss, micro swords

#3 Guest_NVCichlids_*

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 02:30 PM

did you also want to see past set ups?

#4 Guest_Yeahson421_*

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 04:22 PM

Yeah, sure!

#5 Guest_EricaWieser_*

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 05:15 PM

I have four aquariums right now. Two are freshwater and two are saltwater. All of the tanks have hang on back waterfall filters for water movement but are actually filtered by plants.

Name of tank: 55 gallon freshwater livebearer breeding tank.
The fish species are Poecilia reticulata (guppies) and a gold strain of Heterandria formosa. There are several native plants in the setup. Myriophyllum pinnatum is on the far left. Ludwigia repens is on almost the farthest most right. And as of recently, the floating plant at the top is North Carolina's own ricciocarpus natans. It's very fluffy; much better than duckweed for hiding fry. That's why I love myriophyllum pinnatum, too.

Name of tank: 10 gallon holding tank.
The 10 gallon tank is a holding space for fish I don't want to breed or that I'm separating to sell. I'm selectively breeding a solid white guppy. Usually the fish in there are males with a trait I don't want passed down in the main line. Right now they're culls who have red streaks or black spots in their tails. I'll auction them off on aquabid once they're full grown and more impressive looking, to give them the best chance at life. They deserve it. The misshapen fish I flat out kill as soon as they're born. If there's nothing wrong with a fish except that its color doesn't match what I'm breeding for at the moment, I try to rehome it.
The substrate is pure clay kitty litter, Special Kitty brand. No fragrances or clumping chemicals added. No fertilizers or capping layers needed.

Saltwater Walstad Synchiropus splendidus (mandarin dragonette) breeding tanks:
Both tanks: http://img.photobuck...ksasof11512.jpg
The saltwater tanks are two 75 gallon tanks stacked one on top of another. Here's a view of the top tank from the side: http://img.photobuck...fromtheside.jpg
and the front: http://img.photobuck...etank121012.png
You're not likely to be able to see one of the two mandarin dragonettes in there, so here's a picture of one (I caught it with its mouth open! woot good timing) http://img.photobuck...nded_resize.jpg
My goal is to get the mandarin dragonettes to breed. There are two of them in there, one male and one female. There is also red gracilaria and caulerpa prolifera. Caulerpa prolifera is a macroalgae native to the North Carolina coast that I use sort of like freshwater Walstad style tanks use vascular plants. The growing macroalgae eat the nitrate and reduces or eliminates water changes. The saltwater tanks have actually never gotten a water change, ever. That might be why there's so much slime algae *shrugs* They're tanks with a purpose. If the fish spawn, then it was 100% a success. It doesn't have to be pretty.

The bottom tank is a fry rearing tank that has niches for dividers built into the back wall. Here's a picture of that tank that shows the dividers:
I can slide a sheet of mesh 7 plastic canvas into those divider slots to separate fry of different sizes. Big fry eat small fry, so it's nice to be able to separate them.
Here's the blog I keep for the saltwater tanks: http://forum.aquatic...php?f=29&t=1429

I've also got five hand-sized containers of microworms living on oatmeal and four plastic shoe boxes of grindal worms living on sponges in the dresser under the 10 gallon tank. I feed microworms to all of my tanks and grindal worms to the freshwater ones. I've also got a pound bag of yeast in my freezer. Every few days I dissolve a few tablespoons of it and feed it to the saltwater tanks. *nods* Yup, those are my current fish projects.

I also breed chinchillas. http://winstonsalemn...illas.webs.com/

Edited by EricaWieser, 10 December 2012 - 06:13 PM.

#6 Guest_FirstChAoS_*

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 01:06 AM

I haven't shown my tanks since I compiled and rearranged them before the convention, getting rid of a few big fish and moving fish around,

Name of tank: Sunny Tank

Posted Image

Gallons: 29
Theme: agressive and large mouthed fish not safe to store with minnows
Stock: Redbreast Sunfish, Tadpole Madtom, Chinese Algae Eater
Filtration: Hang on Back (which hangs on the front)
Plants: Plastic (Had a watersprite but it died).

Name of tank: Minnow and Darter tank

Posted Image

Gallons: 55
Theme: smaller natives and a couple tropicals mixed in
Stock: rainbow darters, tesselated darters, fantail darters, possiblly a greenside or bluebreast that survived the initial die offs (since the darters colored down I haven't tried to ID them again). Western Blacknose Dace (my last eastern died a week ago), Northern Redbelly Dace, Fathead minnows (including rosy red variant), longnose dace, Chinese Algae Eater, Bumblebee barb
Filtration: two hang on backs on the front as the back is too close to the wall
Plants: watersprite
Notes: added a bloodworm cube (not dissolved in a cup as usual) to bring them out of hiding for the pic and let them gather in an easy to photo spot.

I also have a 20 long not in use at the moment I am debating on using for breeding and a fluval plant cube not taken out of the box yet for lack of space.

Edited by FirstChAoS, 11 December 2012 - 01:09 AM.

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