Good morning from Maryland! I was directed to this site by Brian of He has been of great help to me so far.
What I'm currently looking for is someone else in Maryland or close by that either has Banded Killifish for sale or who could help me wild catch some. I have a 1/4 acre pond that I'm turning into a Male only Bluegill pond and I'm hoping to add Banded Killifish to the forage base (as they are native to the area). I have so far been unsuccessful at finding a source for them, but am hoping with a little extra help I might be able to. I am in the market for about 250-500 of them. This may just have to be an unrealistic dream because of the lack of their availability, but you never know!
Any assistance is welcomed!

First Post - Banded Killifish
Started by
, Feb 08 2013 10:05 AM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 08 February 2013 - 11:58 AM
I didn't see the 250-500 part at first and was going to offer you a couple since I have maybe 5 or 6 at home and could help you catch more in the spring if you wanted. 250-500 is a tall order. I don't see of our dealers here selling them so I'd try Aquabid and try and build up your own breeding population. Even if you want to catch your own that is way too many to pull out of the wild. put 10-15 in and let them populate naturally. If you don't stock it with bigger fish then they should ramp up in number pretty quick.
Posted 08 February 2013 - 02:01 PM
I wont be stocking the larger fish until spring of 2014 (or possibly fall 2014). I'm all for attempting to go out and catch a few here and there, but I don't quite feel like trying to breed them. I guess I could attempt to breed them though.
Posted 08 February 2013 - 02:24 PM
I completely agree with David's sugestion of starting with a small number and letting them populate the pond on their own. This could be done with any small species of fish native to your area that is capable of reproducing in a pond setting. There really is no need to get a huge number of them to get a population going, a small number of fishin the absence of predators can produce a lot of young in a hurry. I put about 50 johnny darters and maybe 100 bluntnose minnows in a 1 acre pond in spring that had no other fish at the time, by the end of the first summer there was literally thousands. We then added in sunfish in the fall. In 1/4 an acre you probably could get away with a rather small number of starter fish if you don't plan to put your Bluegill or other sunfish in for a while.
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