I wrote to an expert and would like to post his response. This is Dr. Snelson, the primary author on the paper Rainbowrunner referenced a few posts ago, that originally identified Elassoma gilberti in 2009. Here is a link to the paper:
http://biology.unm.e...et al. 2009.pdfI am quite a fan of that paper. It's very clearly written. I have referenced the distribution map on page 136 many times.
Hi Erica:
Thanks for your email. Your photos are a bit fuzzy but they sure look like evergladei to me. I base that on the depth of the caudal peduncle and the short, blunt snout. The color pattern is faint and blanched in your photos, so I can't say that the pattern is definitive, but, again, it looks more like evergladei to me. As you are probably aware, there is lots of geographic variation in evergladei. That shows up a bit in the two populations (east and west) that we included in the genetic analysis in the gilberti paper. There are also some geographic differences in morphology and color pattern. Some populations don't even have scales on top of the head, the usual "key" character for evergladei. Do you know where your fish were collected? I think hybridization between okefenokee/gilberti and evergladei is most unlikely.
Good luck with your fish. I never tried to raise Elassoma in tanks - should be fun project.
Buck Snelson
Gainesville, FL
He also said, in a later e-mail,
Based on my experience, scale and fin ray counts are quite variable across populations/regions in evergladei and probably wouldn't be of much help in ID even if you could count them easily. These counts are difficult to make even under a quality dissecting scope!