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Normal variation for Yellow Bass or some kind of hybrid?

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#1 olaf

  • NANFA Member

Posted 13 June 2014 - 09:57 PM

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I caught this guy in a lake where there are typical looking yellow bass.
Is this degree of broken lines within normal variation for yellow bass, especially without the distinct breaks above the anal fin? I haven't seen that before and most every photo online with this much stripe breakage is labelled white/striper hybrid. Maybe I just haven't seen enough yellow bass. The lake officially doesn't have white bass, white perch or wipers in it, but then again it supposedly doesn't have yellow bass either and I know for sure I'm catching them there. At first the lateral line stripe reminded me of a white perch's lateral line, and there are many posts on area fishing forums about white perch now being in all the local lakes. (I'm not suggesting this fish is a white perch hybrid.) (In fact, I'm not suggesting it's anything in particular.)
Just doesn't look like what I'm used to catching from that body of water, and doesn't strike me as a white bass (little to no dorsal gap, for one thing).
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#2 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 13 June 2014 - 10:19 PM

Looks more like a striped bass x white bass hybrid to me.

#3 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 19 June 2014 - 09:45 AM

The really tall first dorsal is a white perch/yellow bass character. The lack of distinction of the stripes does suggest white perch. Based on these things and the possibility that white perch may have recently been added to an existing yellow bass population suggest it could be a hybrid between those two species. Hybrids are often prevalent when a species first invades and area and often are found before pure specimens of the newly introduced parent species. Read through the orangespotted sunfish account in fishes of Ohio where a similar situation is discussed. I have never seen such a hybrid but could see how it would be quite possible. I have only very limited experience with yellow bass but from that I do feel the habitat of those two overlaps more than white bass and either of those two. So if I made an educated guess I would say yellow bass x white perch.

#4 olaf

  • NANFA Member

Posted 19 June 2014 - 01:12 PM

If you're right, that's great: now I know a place close to home where I can pursue white perch. I've never caught one. Yet.
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