Posted 09 January 2016 - 07:25 AM
I think the final number was 37 voters, but that's just off the top of my head. If you really want to know I can go back and check. If we made 40, we didn't come anywhere near 50. We had a handful of voters who either voted for only one or two candidates.
I'm not sure what to make of the "low" turn out. I don't know what our total membership is, but ~40 does sound low. However, there probably aren't 40 of us actively involved in NANFA. (Sure, we have many members who are actively involved in fish for careers, but not active in NANFA per se.)We have many supporters, and members, who like what we do. And they support us by donating, and/or joining and renewing. But not necessarily by be active beyond that point. That's how I view my involvement with carnivorous plants- I belong to the ICPS, and donate an extra buck or two occasionally, but that's it. Native fishes I work for,CPs are strictly for fun. I'd bet we have a lot of members who like what we do, like to read the AC, and feel good about supporting us, but have no interest beyond that. That's not necessarily bad. It means we're reaching busy people with our work and creating awareness. That makes a difference. A "non-active" who pays dues could put that money somewhere else. We created/increased value for fishes for them and parlay what they are willing to give us, cash, into fish-benefiting works. NANFAns not voting does not automatically mean NANFA isn't working. We aren't the gov't. Would the ICPS wish I'd be more active? Yes. Are they grateful to have my dues and my name on the rolls to help make their work possible. Absolutely.
But I do agree that we should grow, carefully. We do need more involvement to make this happen and to keep things healthy. I am proud of this group, and awfully grateful to those who make it work. I wouldn't stress over the number of ballots cast, but would look at it as an invitation to reevaluate who we are, what we want to be, and how we want to get there.
Matt Knepley
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."