I marked map locations here https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1XhDiatieZZjIsvjuoC-QiMGiTiI
About the locations.
Great Island Common: Marine habitat. We saw gunnel, cunner, sculpin, and lumpfish in the rocks, the sandy area had sticklebacks by vegetation clumps. Their were eel grass beds too far out to wade too. Snorkeling may make them accessible.
Lamprey River:
North Branch River by Langford Rd: Longnose Dace, Fallfish, Common Shiner, and Largemouth Bass were found here. Lots of Water Snakes.
North Branch River by Epping Street: Fallfish, Golden Shiner,Creek Chubsucker, Swamp Darter, Chain Pickerel, and an unidentified lepomis.
Amoskeag the Merrimack River: My netting visit hereon a tip fpr margined madtoms I only saw a tiny sunfish. But they have been recording and showing photos of a large herring run lately.
Temperatures air wise have warmed up to the 80's and 90's this week. (most of may they were the 60's and some 70's last week). I swam in a pond today, it felt nice.
Edited by FirstChAoS, 29 May 2016 - 12:24 AM.