how to check if my pikerel are breeding
Posted 01 April 2017 - 06:54 PM
You likely already missed it for 2017. Based on what I have seen over the years, fry of Grass Pickerel and Chain Pickerel must have been conceived no later than February. By early-March they are already pushing 1.25 inches.
Posted 02 April 2017 - 07:59 AM
Posted 02 April 2017 - 08:24 AM
They will appear almost black so sometimes visible when simply disturbing them as you piddle around shoreline. They will not go to a minnow trap and can swim right through wire if they did.
Posted 05 April 2017 - 10:16 PM
I will add timing varies quite a bit depending on where you are. Here in Ohio grass pickerel seem to spawn in late March or early April and I start to find very small young this time of year. They reach about 1.5-2" by late May or early June. So size and timing makes a big difference depending on how far north or south you are in the US. I will also say we occasionally get a fall spawn here. I have found tiny young in Nov and Dec usually after we have had some cold weather and then experience a few days of unusually warm weather. This winter was very mild for us here so I found some young back in mid March. Not sure if they were from a fall spawn or could have been just about any time this past winter because we had stretches of warm weather several times.
Brian J. Zimmerman
Gambier, Ohio - Kokosing River Drainage
Posted 25 April 2017 - 07:16 PM
I've found pickerel fry the day after Christmas in Virginia, so I'd expect they'd be reasonably large and harder to find by now. But like others have said, dipnetting around grass RIGHT up along the bank would probably be your best bet.
Derek Wheaton
On a mountain overlooking the North Fork Roanoke River on one side, the New River Valley on the other, and a few minutes away from the James River watershed...the good life...
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