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Latest trout pictures

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#21 az9

  • NANFA Guest

Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:30 AM

Was a little concerned yesterday. Saw a large bird in the area that was far enough away I couldn't tell if it was an Osrprey or Red-tailed Hawk. My precocious male brooks are criusing along the edges of the pond and would be an easy target for an osprey. 


Got the binoculars out and was relieved to see it was a red-tailed hawk. Whew!   :D/


My trout are valued at least $30,000 in sales so I don't want to watch a bird scoop them up!  :blink:


That money is needed to make a smooth transition into retirement and hopefully build a pole building. 


I am a little concerned as I am transferring them to a much larger pond on the property this coming weekend. That pond is gin clear and you can see every detail on the bottom in the deepest water which is 9 feet deep. I may dye the pond to keep visibility down if I see an osprey. 


I have only seen one once in two days coincidentally when we had the solar eclipse this year. Showed up right at the peak of the elipse. Then the next day. Hasn't been back. 

#22 az9

  • NANFA Guest

Posted 09 November 2017 - 02:59 AM

I have now moved 467 trout from the small 1/10th acre trout pond to a the 6/10th acre pond. Mostly brooks with about 70 browns and 70 tigers. Fish were moved in a 0.5 precent salt solution and some Finquel. I also used an ammonia remover in the tanks. All look heathy except for one fungus covered female and another with equilibrium issues that has had them since being a fingerlings. They were feeding vigorously the next day which is a good sign. 


Here's one of the browns which are the smallest fish of the group. 



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