Anyone in the area interested in doing some collecting while we still have summer left? Also enjoy snorkeling/fishwatching with my gopro, if you know of any good spots for that. New York is an interesting convergence zone for several regional drainages, with good exploration opportunities. I'm also interested in amateur fish surveying..don't know a thing about how/where one would make that data useful though.
My recent wishlist:
-Northern redbelly dace
-brassy minnow
-rosyface shiner
-central stoneroller
-striped shiner
Would be interesting to explore the Allegheny in WNY (near Salamanca), and look for things like Southern Redbelly Dace. Have wondered if some of those more Midwestern species could be collected in that drainage in NYS. I've done a few solo trips to the ADKS and Tug Hill recently, and was disappointed at the lack of NRBD. Then again, my collecting isn't the greatest (just a minnow trap). I do have a seine that we could use.
I'm also relatively active with the Central New York Aquarium Society (CNYAS) and would like to bring more native enthusiasts into the group.