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NY Collecting Laws

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#21 PerchKeeper

  • NANFA Guest
  • NY

Posted 01 May 2016 - 02:29 PM

I worked at the NY DEC counsels office for 5 years, 4 months ago I transferred to a diffrent department and I don't currently represent the NY DEC. There are somethings that should be clarified. It is NOT illegal to keep fish native to New York. Aquatic animals are exempt with the exception of reptiles, amphibians and mammals. As long as you can legally catch the fish and it is of proper size you can keep the fish. You can legally buy native fish from breeders and pond farms. If the fish was bought from a licenced breeder/dealer you can have it even if it is not of size. Baitfish transportation laws must be followed when collecting your bait fish, not of bought from a dealer. Once the fish is on private property and not being transported anymore it is legal to have. It is illegal to be in possession of endangered fish.

There are lots of misconceptions going on and I wanted to clear them up. 

Happy Fishing. 

#22 Toad Drool

Toad Drool
  • NANFA Guest
  • NYC

Posted 20 July 2019 - 04:56 PM



Where can you go see a listing of what is considered proper size? I am assuming they have a list for each species.





Edited by Toad Drool, 20 July 2019 - 04:56 PM.

#23 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
  • NANFA Guest
  • Ohio

Posted 21 July 2019 - 12:30 PM

NY laws are so restrictive and confusing that it's insane. The way the laws are worded there leave lots of sticky places and vague, gray fuzzy areas of trouble. I am sure it's a nice state to visit with a lot of beautiful areas, but I am glad I don't live there.

#24 heyderekp

  • NANFA Guest
  • Rochester, NY

Posted 07 April 2023 - 07:25 PM

I know this thread is super old, but I messaged the DEC Dept of Fisheries and got a pretty concrete answer back about keeping NY native fishes in an aquarium.

"If a fish species has a closed season it cannot be possessed in an aquarium. Species that have a year-round open season such as- perch, catfish/bullhead and sunfish (pumpkinseed/bluegill) are legal to keep. Species that have a year round open season, but a minimum length (such as crappie) would have to be over the minimum length to keep in an aquarium."


My follow up question was around any other species of fish that are not on the prohibited list and if I can possess/purchase them from other states. Still waiting to hear back on that one. 

Edited by heyderekp, 07 April 2023 - 07:26 PM.

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