A little over a month ago Fritz, Bryan, Scott, and I too a little trip to Lake Waccamaw to do a bit of collecting, the place was beautiful, just visiting to drive around was worth the effort,I always like seeing gators, but we managed to dip up several White Bullheads and I have to say they are the most active bullheads i've seen. They swim almost constantly and eat anything, besides commercial fish food Hikari Micro-pellets being my food of choice they also stuffed themselves, on chopped earth warms. Often swimming around with a length of earth warm sticking out of their mouths as they digested it slowly. They have already began to feed from my fingers and crowd around when i sit down in from of the aquarium.
I have to rate them as the best bullheads for an aquarium, seldom hiding and always swimming around on display. My mudpuppy has made a few attempts to grab on but the are rapidly getting too big for him to handle. BTW the mudpuppy takes earth warms from my fingers too, he keeps his head stuck out of a hollow log seeming to smile in a goofy way. I do have sad news, my spotted bullheads died during the hurricane, they were outside in a vat and the electricity failure as well as an influx of rain water caused them to give up the ghost. I become very attached to my fish and this made me very sad. I know many people just write fish off but to me they are pets. They were very cool fish and i had hoped to breed them...