You can now follow NANFA on Instagram at official.nanfa and also tag them on any native fish posts. I was lucky enough to be the first person to follow the account, but I hope I'm not the last!
I have some ideas, but I'm eager to hear from other people with ideas on what to do with the account. As of right now, I'm thinking of taking submissions of fish pictures from NANFAns to show on the account and I will also reach out to people asking to post NANFA related pictures. If anyone has any suggestions for other things to do with the account or for people/organizations to follow then please let me know.
Besides posting on the forum, you can also contact me with ideas, suggestions, or photos through the email on the account or a DM to the instagram account. I've enjoyed NANFA for a while now and I am extremely excited to give back to the community and hopefully grow and strengthen it.