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Perch feeding and more

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#61 Guest_johnpritzlaff_*

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Posted 02 July 2007 - 12:05 AM

I'm just wondering why are you so set on a channal cat? They get too large. I don't mean to be rude or anything but as has been previously stated he'll end up eating your other fish. I would take this advice and suggest you get something like a bullhead of some sort if anything at all, if you really want a catfish you can keep with your other fish

I don't think you understand -- I already have the channel cat. I've had him for a few weeks now. He wasn't in my signature because I bought him at a pet store... but I think I'm gonna put him in there now, anyways.

If I get a 95 for my birthday, I'll probably end up putting a bullhead in there with the perch, rock bass, bluegill (?) and pickerel, just so I have a bottom feeder. I really like catfish.

But like I said before, the channel cat can be in the pond, maybe with some koi if we get some.

#62 Guest_johnpritzlaff_*

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Posted 07 July 2007 - 08:16 PM

Quick update -

Fourth of July at Lake Geneva was great. I love setting off fireworks. My mom and I always get about 100 bucks worth of the smaller fountains, and I put off a nice show for the family. The big professional fireworks on the lake didn't seem as good as usual, but that's probably because we missed most of it and we anchored too far away.

Anyways, as soon as I got back today I fed my natives some nightcrawlers. I'm really trying to offer them a diverse diet. After a little hesitation, they started chowing down, fighting over the worms. It was like Lady and the Tramp, the little perch both had one end of a worm, but then it ripped down the center. They seemed to have trouble eating them, because they were long and hard to rip into pieces. Next time I'm going to segment the worms before I put them in the pond. I'm also trying to get the bass to eat from my hand. If I was more patient, they would have done it today, I think.

No other news, except that I didn't get a bluegill (although I saw a lot of them, more than I have previously this year -- this must be their time to flourish). The main reason I didn't get one is because the 10 gallon was already inhabited by a young painted turtle that I caught from a pond a mile from the lake. I really like him, I hope I can keep him alive. I know turtles make tough pets. My mom and I are going to get him everything he needs tomorrow (UV bulbs, turtle pellets, live food, basking lamp, etc.).

That's pretty much it. Hope everyone else had a good independence day.

#63 Guest_johnpritzlaff_*

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Posted 15 July 2007 - 05:56 PM

I made a new thread about my native fishkeeping. This thread is too long and involved and the name has become inappropriate. So please use the thread "New Natives" to talk with me, instead of replying here. Bye!

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