So I'm back again with questions about a fish I'm interested in but will probably never get the chance to keep. I went through some older threads and read a bunch from other sources and I know they are endangered, but these fish seem like they could be easily kept and bred in captivity, why are they not more popular? There was someone in one of the old threads that mentioned that there were captive populations in the hands of some hobbyists, is there any way to acquire some other than waiting for a few to pop up on aquabid (which seems unlikely to happen frequently)?

Desert/Death Valley pupfish
Posted 23 January 2020 - 11:40 AM
NANFA members were able to descend into Devils Hole during the excellent Nevada Convention way back when...
We toured the south and eastern flank of Nevada and saw all kinds of endangered fish. Snorkeled with many!
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 23 January 2020 - 11:49 AM
Heck, there are some RRP on Aquabid now. https://www.aquabid....tive
The member formerly known as Skipjack
Posted 23 January 2020 - 09:44 PM
I don't know about getting hold of Devil's Hole pupfish, but you can likely find Red River pupfish.
Even if they were available I'd be afraid to get any DHPs lol, I am definitely interested in the RRPs though but mostly fixated on Cyprinodon macularis/salinus
NANFA members were able to descend into Devils Hole during the excellent Nevada Convention way back when...
We toured the south and eastern flank of Nevada and saw all kinds of endangered fish. Snorkeled with many!
That sounds awesome! I wish I would have been able to do that
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