Edited by doubleatraining, 23 March 2020 - 02:52 PM.
Elassoma evergladei - Natural Tank
Posted 23 March 2020 - 02:25 PM
Posted 23 March 2020 - 07:00 PM
Leptolucania omatta pygmy killifish live well with Elasomma sp. I have done it before.
The problem is that Elassoma only live for a year or so in the wild, so you need them to reproduce to keep them long term. And they will do that just fine in the set up you are talking about. But not if the otos and the shrimp eat all the eggs. I suggest that you go with pond snails instead. They are easy and the Elassoma are known to eat the snail eggs and young.
But you will see the Elassoma plenty. They hang out in the open pretty much... and the males will dance for you.
And you do not need a heater.
Posted 24 March 2020 - 12:48 PM
Thank you, I'll look into them. I have my H. Formosa in a 5g in my office. I can put them in a 10g with shrimp.
I had no idea that oto will eat the eggs. I'll drop pond or ramshorn snails in the 29g to help keep the tank clean.
I live with a "polar bear". I'll need a heater to keep the tank at 68-70.
Posted 24 March 2020 - 06:33 PM
Natives live through much cooler temperatures. Mine have always been in an unheated part of the basement. In fact they do better in cooler temps.
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