Hello all and thank you in advance for any assistance. I am going to be doing something I have wanted to do for a few years and that is build a native tank. This aquarium is going to be a Pygmy Sunfish setup in a 75g heavily planted. I am removing all of my current plants and will be cleaning the substrate (seachem flourite brown and black mixed) of any snails, all mts. One cleaned I will be cycling the tank and replanting with hornwort, ludwigia repens, and bacopa caroliana. I think this is all pretty standard.
My work hours keep me a way from home so I dont have as much time to devote to live food cultures typically used like grindal worms. My thoughts are to introduce ramshorn snails and gammarus prior to introducing the fish later this summer. In a 75g I was planning on putting a mix of 10 males/females in the aquarium after seeding it with 100+ gammarus and allowing the gammarus a good thirty days to breed while cycling the tank. My question is if my idea will work and result in a happy well fed breeding colony of pygmies, most likely banded pygmies due to hard water conditions. \
Most of what I am reading has recommended a single species aquarium, how much luck is the breeding elassoma with Heterandria formosa.
Thank you again.