I agree with Uncle Willie. The only problem I've had with even the more boisterous sunfish species such as green sunfish and bluegill is their large tails buffeting the plants, typically with little damage. Calmer species such as longear and dollar sunfish usually cause no problems. I've not kept redbreast sunfish.
New plants commonly lose their old leaves and grow new ones that are suited to the new tank conditions. However, you need to get plants that fit your water's parameters and light conditions or they will melt as Uncle Willie suggested.
My wife keeps and breeds goldfish, so many are large adults. Our three largest tanks, a 125 and two 75's all have goldfish in them; my fish are relegated to smaller tanks. The only plants we keep with them are Anubias as goldfish eat most aquatic plants and uproot all plants. The Anubias are too tough for them to eat and they don't have typical roots, so they get tumbled by the goldfish and keep growing. Anubias will probably put up with your fish.
Phil Nixon