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Are Green Sunfish Jumpers Or Am I Just Unlucky?

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#1 Peixe11

  • NANFA Member

Posted 29 May 2021 - 10:06 AM

So I have ordered a green sunfish from Jonahs Aquarium twice. Both times I put it in a 20 gallon quarantine tank. The first one disappeared after a week and I just assumed it died and the warmouth and snails ate it. Now I just ordered another one and got him yesterday and boy was he a beautiful little guy even if he was washed out from being scared. I went into the fish room to check on new fish this morning and he wasn't in the tank, just the warmouth begging for food. Somehow this green sunfish jumped 3 feet through a 1 inch opening in the lid and ended up on the floor. Which I now assume is what happened to the first one. So is this a thing for green sunfish? Do they grow out of it? I really want a green but at this point I am 0 for 2 and afraid to try my luck again.


#2 gerald

  • Global Moderator
  • Wake Forest, North Carolina

Posted 31 May 2021 - 11:07 PM

Yes, that's exactly how Greenies migrate up into little headwater creeks and seemingly "isolated" ponds -- they jump. 

Also, ALL fish are most prone to jumping when moved into a new, unfamiliar tank. 

Gerald Pottern
Hangin' on the Neuse
"Taxonomy is the diaper used to organize the mess of evolution into discrete packages" - M.Sandel

#3 Peixe11

  • NANFA Member

Posted 02 June 2021 - 01:58 PM

Just crazy to me that there was a whole bunch of killifish in that quarantine tank before the sunfish and none of them jumped through that small gap. I guess I just got complacent because my other natives were in an uncovered tank for a while with no jumpers. Next time I get one Ill seal all the gaps with filter floss. Thanks for the insight!

#4 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
  • NANFA Guest
  • Ohio

Posted 09 July 2021 - 11:44 PM

They jump. I cover the holes that are in my tank canopy with duct tape. You'd be surprised at how tiny of a hole a fish can jump through!

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