I also posted this to facebook but I figured y'all here might enjoy it too.
Went snorkeling the 'sauga late last Saturday afternoon and stumbled upon this fine specimen. Quite large for it's species. The pictures didn't turn out great in the fading light obscured by the tree line but they're better than nothing! As far as logperch went I only saw this guy and one large P. kathae. Lots of blackbanded, holiday, bronze, coosa, speckled, and greenbreast darters, as well as an odd individual that was either an abnormal blackbanded or possibly a very young P. lenticula, which would be a fairly decent range extension for them in the drainage.
Other fish included quite a decent assortment of centrarchids including some gorgeous redeyes. A myriad of shiner species as always that (other than venusta) regularly give me trouble with IDs outside of the spawning season.
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Conasauga Logperch
Started by
Robert Lamb
, Sep 28 2021 12:21 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 28 September 2021 - 12:21 PM
Posted 28 September 2021 - 09:29 PM
Beautiful! Would love to have that fish in my tank!
Posted 29 September 2021 - 12:03 PM
Just a cool update. Got off the phone a few minutes ago with Martha Zapata of the FWS who is over the P. jenkinsi/antesella recovery plan and these images represent the first sighting of this species in approximately 2 years
Posted 29 September 2021 - 02:18 PM
Good job Robert.
Casper Cox
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
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