I've been running a native tank for the past year and the original plan was for a couple darters to add color and variety. It's a 70 gallon tank at about 72 degrees, fully cycled with overkill levels of filtration, and has a nice strong current over some large stones and gravel bed.
The complication? Shrimp. We have amano shrimp in the 1-1.5" range, red cherry shrimp of various sizes (actually breeding), and a couple 1.5" bamboo shrimp in the cleanup crew. My 3 year old loves his "lobsters". The Redbelly dace, stonerollers, and spotfin/scarlet shiners have ignored them for the past 6 months, but darters are bottom predators so I've been holding off on those so far.
Does anyone have experience with banded or rainbow darters with shrimp? I'd fully expect them to munch down the tiny newly spawned RCS, but am not sure how they'd do with the larger adults.
Edited by Warbadger, 13 November 2021 - 08:45 PM.