I have a 7 day vacation coming up. Most of my tanks I can just set up autofeeders or feed heavy before going and let the fish take care of themselves. But how do people feed their darters when they are going to be out of town for a few days? I have a 33 gallon with about a dozen darters who only eat frozen foods or live blackworms. Ive seen people on here say they have high metabolisms and need to eat a lot, would they be able to make it a week if I absolutely saturated them with food leading up to trip?

Vacation feeding?
Posted 03 May 2022 - 09:14 AM
Posted 03 May 2022 - 10:01 AM
I haven't had any trouble with my darters going hungry over vacation, but that's just my experience.
Posted 03 May 2022 - 10:08 AM
I haven't had any trouble with my darters going hungry over vacation, but that's just my experience.
Great!! out of curiosity how long has that been for?
Posted 04 May 2022 - 05:48 AM
I too have gone out of town for 6-8 days and not fed my darters. They looked exactly the same when I returned. I would have no concerns if your darters are adults and in good body condition.
*It also helps if you have access to, or can feed them a surplus of live blackworms. The uneaten ones will live in the sand/gravel bed until the darters find them. That was my go-to move. I still use it with my tropical fish if I have any worms on hand before a trip. It is absolutely not necessary, but gives some 'peace-of-mind'.
Posted 04 May 2022 - 11:57 AM
I too have gone out of town for 6-8 days and not fed my darters. They looked exactly the same when I returned. I would have no concerns if your darters are adults and in good body condition.
*It also helps if you have access to, or can feed them a surplus of live blackworms. The uneaten ones will live in the sand/gravel bed until the darters find them. That was my go-to move. I still use it with my tropical fish if I have any worms on hand before a trip. It is absolutely not necessary, but gives some 'peace-of-mind'.
That is perfect then! I feel them live blackworms semi-regularly and was meaning to set up a culture at some point.
Thanks for the answers littlen and CarsonWargo!
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