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Swimming Pool As Fish Pond

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#41 Guest_az9_*

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 11:34 PM

How about this?


Shows you how to build your own RBC and a mechanical filter for use in a 12 foot swimming pool. Alledgely 100 lb. capacity but most like that is Talipia that are very forgiving with ammonia and D.O. levels. If you get this book be sure to get the paperback as it's much cheaper than the hardback.

About the liners:

Not sure about the liners that come with pools but the EPDM liners that are sold to line fish ponds are the SAME liners used in roofing. Yes I know some catalogs say otherwise and say the roofing ones are toxic, but that doesn't explain when i bought some roofing EPDM liner it said on the liner that it was NOT toxic to aquatic animals.

Come to think of it in the above book they use a swimming pool liner and either wash it with soap and water first, or allow it to lay on a natural pond bottom for a short while before using it.

So it seems none are toxic.

#42 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 09 July 2009 - 09:49 PM

It's two years later and I still haven't bought one. Haven't finished the one pond I have for that matter, and I have some liner I bought for two shallow plant ponds, which I also haven't built. Maybe next year when I get those gar... only 365 days until I change my ways.

#43 Guest_jdphish_*

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Posted 27 July 2009 - 10:04 PM

I have seen wal mart type pools used for fish with some success. I wouldn't shy away from one. Seems filtration needs would be minimal depending on stocking and feeding rates.

#44 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 27 July 2009 - 11:50 PM

Filtration would actually be zero, based on my track record....

One day you may be privileged to view Irate's semi-fabulous Tank O' Death...

#45 Guest_jdphish_*

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Posted 28 July 2009 - 06:15 PM

Filtration would actually be zero, based on my track record....

One day you may be privileged to view Irate's semi-fabulous Tank O' Death...

sounds scary to me. Ok

#46 Guest_Radioguy_*

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Posted 28 July 2009 - 09:56 PM

"Tank O' Death" ... I'm pretty sure I saw that exhibit when the carnival came to town when I was a kid.

That was when I left home to find my special purpose, as per the movie "The Jerk."

Here's what my dad said to me ...

Regards to all from Navin Johnson .. aka

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