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Private land

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#1 Guest_teleost_*

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 12:27 AM

I've had very good luck with knocking on doors and asking. I've not yet been refused access to water. Since I sell things for a living I have no fear of rejection. When I find a spot that I must inspect, I bring the family along. I think they help me seal the deal (especially when we talk to the woman of the household). I guess in a pinch I could hide a netting buddy in the trunk.

I recently had a dream where I could see a great many fish I desire (holy grail stuff) while driving over this small creek. These fish would never exist in the same water but it's a dream after all. I became very excited about the fish I was about to see for he first time and searched for the landowner. To make a long story short I failed to convince the landowner for permission :cry: In my dream I was convinced if my family was with me I could have gained access.

#2 Guest_sandtiger_*

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 12:44 AM

I have collecting dreams often, sometimes with various fishes from various countrys right in the same place. I enjoy those dreams. About private land, I admit that one reason I don't collect often is because I have few places to collect, I'm to afraid to ask.

#3 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 08 September 2006 - 03:26 PM

I have never had trouble getting permission, as long as I could find out who the locked gate belonged to :-( Hey, in the gazeteer it looks like a public road! I tried selling stuff door to door when I was in college - that's a job for folks made of stouter stuff than I!

#4 Guest_Brooklamprey_*

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 08:05 PM

I usually have little problem with getting permission to sample an area from a private owner. It does help though when I produce a Zoo badge and explain what I'm doing. I personally make it a point to show the owner what is on their property and talk alot with them. Hell I've conviced a few to work a seine with me.

I have numerous amusing stories dealing with this subject and lampreys...But thats for another time :P

#5 Guest_Aqua Trooper_*

Guest_Aqua Trooper_*
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Posted 29 September 2006 - 01:20 AM

Recently, I was fortunate to get permission to collect some fishes from a local pond on private mand. It produced champion-sized banded, black banded, and mud sunfishes. A couple nice pirate perch were collected as well. Private land is a wonderful thing!

#6 Guest_ShinersRock_*

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 04:11 PM

Fortunately my favorite creek in the whole world runs through 3 relatives' land. So I am able to go back there and collect. If I don't know the person, I am too afraid to ask, and stick to going to parks and public access points.

#7 Guest_drewish_*

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 04:19 PM

I forgot this thread was here... Recently we found out that we had been trespassing on private land to get to one of our float trip put-ins. On our most recent trip we actually saw the Posted signs and a phone number to call for access. When I called, I talked to the president of the organization that owns the land and he informed me that it has been private for the past 7 years and the reason why we didn't know it was private was because people rip down his signs and cut his chains and locks. He eventually granted me permission to walk through the land to the water granted that we don't drive on certain parts of the land.

I don't understand why someone would cut his lock and put their own. *shakes head*

#8 Guest_nativeplanter_*

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 04:28 PM

Fortunately my favorite creek in the whole world runs through 3 relatives' land. So I am able to go back there and collect. If I don't know the person, I am too afraid to ask, and stick to going to parks and public access points.

So do tell! Why is this your favorite creek in the whole world? Sounds like a magical place!
(looking for mental creek imagery while sitting behind a desk here...)

#9 Guest_ShinersRock_*

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 04:31 PM

well, mainly because it was the first creek I ever collected out of when I decided to raise native fish. Hahah. But there are lots of shiners, dace, catfish, sculpins, and I know I've seen a couple of darters in there. Lots of different sunfish too. Supposedly my buddy caught a madtom from there at one point. A few weeks ago I was on Fall break, and had a chance to collect from it. We were limited on time however, but I caught some redbellies, some kind of chub, and Emerald shiners.

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