Lythrurus species from the dan river drainage, Dustin if you recall you pictured this fish as well and we were debating on either pinewoods shiner or rosefin shiner, did you ever figure this guy out? anyone else can feel free to input their ideas as well.

Ok this is a little madtom from Naked Creek in Richmond county. I think this is a margined madtom but for some reason I recall there was some talk that they might be something else at this location?

Next is an unknown minnow from little mountain creek and I recall that none of us knew what this guy was at time of capture anyone have any ideas?

Next are two shots of a very nice male Nocomis from the second day up in the mountains from fox ridge run which I believe was the New River drainage. Are these just river chub? They looked quite different from river chub I have seen other places.

Next same creek and I am almost positive on this one but I just wanted to check on it as a redlip shiner.

The last one I am pretty confident on as well but I wanted to be sure this is a piedmont darter and not a chainback. It was found in little mountain creek in the Pee Dee drainage.