Gar Pictures
#1 Guest_choupique_*
Posted 17 November 2007 - 03:30 PM
#3 Guest_choupique_*
Posted 17 November 2007 - 06:54 PM
Yes, these guys spend the warm months outside in the river pond, and then come in for winter. Not wanting to take any chances, and besides, its nice to be able to still enjoy them in the winter.
#5 Guest_Brooklamprey_*
Posted 17 November 2007 - 07:26 PM
Sweet pics. I love gars. When I get the room, I'm going to get a shortnose.
Get a Florida / spotted...Trust me on this and save yourself some un-needed stress. Shortnosed are schizophrenic psycho fish that are beyond a handful to deal with, even to a very experienced gar keeper....
Already told you this Ray but:
Very good to see the gars!!!! and I love the way those crocs are developing. (I get the 66 now)..
I look foreword to further updates and photos of these fish.
#6 Guest_fishlvr_*
Posted 17 November 2007 - 07:35 PM
Get a Florida / spotted...Trust me on this and save yourself some un-needed stress. Shortnosed are schizophrenic psycho fish that are beyond a handful to deal with, even to a very experienced gar keeper....
Already told you this Ray but:
Very good to see the gars!!!! and I love the way those crocs are developing. (I get the 66 now)..
I look foreword to further updates and photos of these fish.
How much bigger do Florida and Spotted gar get?
Yeah I saw the 66 on the tail. That's pretty cool.
#7 Guest_Brooklamprey_*
Posted 17 November 2007 - 08:14 PM
How much bigger do Florida and Spotted gar get?
Yeah I saw the 66 on the tail. That's pretty cool.
They do not get much larger.. While the Shortnosed is the smallest species in the Wild it has been an anecdotal observation that the Florida / spotted does not reach much above 20 inches in captivity either. They also seem to lack the issues Shortnosed have and are much better fish for the aquarium. The Ideal aquarium gar is the Tropical (Looking good By the way Ray) but these remain extremely rare in the US with fewer than 30 in the country at this time. The cost of these fish is prohibitive compared to the very common Florida / spotted complex that is commonly found in many LFS.
#8 Guest_fishlvr_*
Posted 17 November 2007 - 08:46 PM
They do not get much larger.. While the Shortnosed is the smallest species in the Wild it has been an anecdotal observation that the Florida / spotted does not reach much above 20 inches in captivity either. They also seem to lack the issues Shortnosed have and are much better fish for the aquarium. The Ideal aquarium gar is the Tropical (Looking good By the way Ray) but these remain extremely rare in the US with fewer than 30 in the country at this time. The cost of these fish is prohibitive compared to the very common Florida / spotted complex that is commonly found in many LFS.
Thanks. I guess it would've been bad if I had gotten a shortnose before now. I almost bought one last week.
#10 Guest_fishlvr_*
Posted 18 November 2007 - 12:07 AM
Can anyone see the "not a gar" in one of the pictures? A hint, its a greenish color, with some reticulated markings. You can see its eye which glows like the gars do from the flash, so that might be a good enough hint.
Have fun.
Yep. Nice bowfin. Male?
#13 Guest_choupique_*
Posted 18 November 2007 - 01:24 PM
The bottom picture, way in the back, left side you should make out its front half top, and then the top back part of his head.
#14 Guest_Brooklamprey_*
Posted 18 November 2007 - 02:26 PM
Yes, it is a male bowfin. It is a 110 gallon. Four feet long, almost three foot wide, and a foot and a half deep. The trop and med are in a forty breeder for now.
The bottom picture, way in the back, left side you should make out its front half top, and then the top back part of his head.
Now I see him..... (gar was just to pretty and distracting without direction)
#15 Guest_choupique_*
Posted 18 November 2007 - 07:33 PM
#16 Guest_tglassburner_*
Posted 18 November 2007 - 08:13 PM
I still don't see a bowfinHaha, yeah. I didn't even notice him there until I posted the pictures. I want him to come out to put on that thread about a bowfin picture, but do you think he would come out and pose for a good photo? He is out right now, if I get the camera he goes under his stump.
#17 Guest_choupique_*
Posted 18 November 2007 - 09:16 PM
That is about the best I can describe where to find him. Hopefully the shy guy comes out sometime when I have the camera ready. I think if you saw him clearly, then you could pick him out in that picture quite easily.
#18 Guest_tglassburner_*
Posted 18 November 2007 - 10:28 PM
The bottom picture. Look right above the gars head. The bowfin is facing towards the right side. You can see his eye shine, just above the gars body, part of the bowfins head, then some brown fuzzy stuff is blocking the area at the edge of the gill cover, then you can see a section of the front of his body, but not the dorsal fin or the bottom of his body. His body and head look greenish brown. You can see a pattern on his body of dark gray like that makes circular net like pattern. The green plant under the gars head "reaches up and touches" his body at its highest point. There is a piece of wood above him, a clear spot where you can see out the back of the tank, and the bowfin is under that.
That is about the best I can describe where to find him. Hopefully the shy guy comes out sometime when I have the camera ready. I think if you saw him clearly, then you could pick him out in that picture quite easily.
Here? If thats it kudos on an ID i couldn't tell it was a fish, If not I give up.
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