Netmaker, I didn't actually make this - BG did. I was just along for the ride. It was anchored to the stream bed by long threaded rods (i.e. not mobile).
It's been a few years, but I think he actually used window screen (the plastic kind).
Pmail me if you want to talk to him - I'm sure he will fill you in.
No problem Irate,
Window screen is a square mesh and I was always convinced that square mesh works better in water than diamond or oval. I realize that most fish swim up current so if you set it out and left it, most fish would swim up to the back end of this trap, not the mouth. However, in some instances the really small YOY and YOW (young of the week) can not fight the current and have to drift down stream.
Then, some fish can't figh the current but they face up stream and let themselves drift backwards.
Hmmmm..... maybe a baffle on each end, a wing that pokes inside the net, forming a dead area of current inside the net on each side. Fishies just love to get out of current and hang out behind something.
I see a Sea Grant project forming up here........we'll call the boys at Starkville or maybe even Stoneville and let them run with it . Shouldn't cost over a few grand and year or two to come up with an answer.Take care,