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collecting equipment dos and donts

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#21 Guest_strezt63_*

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Posted 27 November 2010 - 10:28 PM

A camera in a zip-loc bag.
If you are in remote areas, especially with 8 & 10 year old girls, toilet paper and a folding shovel.
Dry footwear and wet wipes for the trip home are nice.
I have a big plastic box from Wally World I keep in the truck to house my junk. Buckets, nets, etc...
I can always ( despite the wife's objections ) find room for it when we travel.

#22 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 28 November 2010 - 09:16 PM

I tend to overpack when I go out for a day. I usually carry the following:

1. Net & spare net head: large rocks or getting hung on a root can tear a net
2. Bucket and cooler: I carry a small bucket (4 gal) to the creek and transfer keepers to a cooler setup with a filter, airation, and 'chillers' to use during the summer. My chillers are two plastic things attached to the side that hold re-freezable ice packs. This really helps keep your fish happy and healthy during hot weather. The heat is a killer, especially for minnows, in the summer.
3. Creek Shoes and waders: Even though it's July and the water is warm, don't forget that hiking down a hill to the creek can leave lots of poison ivy on your legs. If needed I wear waders and put on creek shoes once I reach the creek bank.
4. Map: I mark access points and such on a Gazetteer and using Google street view prior to going to a new place is helpful to find access points
5. Supplies: Prime, aquarium salt, bag buddies, batteries, knife, multi-tool, towel, snakebite kit, and anything else that may be needed. I carry all of these in a small bag or backpack.

Dont forget to plan ahead if you will be out for a long time in a new place. Also, plan on what you will do with your keys. I use a small waterproof container that clips to my bucket handle. Nobody wants to lose their keys in a river, or slip and fall in a pool and ruin the keyless entry remote.

#23 littlen

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  • Washington, D.C.

Posted 29 November 2010 - 11:02 AM

String! Can't express how handy a spool of twine or string can be. You can mend torn nets, tie things together, or spare your drawstrings on your chest waders from being used for the previous purposes! (Spoken from experience).
Nick L.

#24 Guest_smilingfrog_*

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 09:00 PM

Duct tape is always a good thing to have on hand.

#25 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 02 December 2010 - 11:17 PM

Don't forget a towel!

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