Yeah, not sure if I would say 'silver' but when mine first start to get excited and red there is a yellowish gold line just above the black stripe that gets very intense in color... I have never seen mine go all the way red, like I have seen in the books, but they very often get as bright or brighter than the 'purple head or peidmont or whatever todd called his one in the photos above'. Love my yellowfins.
No, I really mean the black stripe turn silvery, not the gold stripe above it

. They seems to be color like this only when 2 yellowfins swim palarell to each other aggressively [usually right after feeding] and rather brief. The breeding color [seems never more than half a day] is really bright red just like many photos, but without yellow head. The reddish with silvery stripe seems to be analogous to male rainbows in heat but not spawning mode - turning purplish red but still retain blue areas and fins and red&dark stripe.
Edited by tricolor, 26 April 2008 - 03:21 PM.